Like really sick.
He started sounding congested and having a cough on Friday night. Through the weekend it just got worse and worse and last night he hardly slept due to coughing attacks.
First thing this morning I made an appointment and took Tracker into the doctor.
I have been on edge fearing the worst. Everything completely scares me with him and this has given me some serious anxiety.
After listening to his lungs, looking in his ears all while trying to talk over one extremely unhappy screaming baby. Doctor said Tracker has RSV.
He hooked him up to the oxygen monitor to check his levels which thankfully were fine. Then gave me a laundry list of instructions to care for our sick babe.
We will call tomorrow to check in and see if we need to take Tracker back to have his oxygen monitored again. As long as he can keep that up he can be home but if there is a problem he will need to go to the hospital. I may or may-not have balled my eyes out the entire appointment and have continued to the rest of the day. I haven't put this baby down and have tried my best to keep him comfortable but as the day goes on he is just getting worse and it completely breaks my heart. He is screaming in between coughs and having a hard time eating.
My amazing sister came over to give me some advice and help give him some saline drops and suck out his nose. I just pray we can keep everything under control enough so he doesn't need to go to the hospital. Agh having a sick baby is one of the worst things in the world.
I guess we will officially hibernate in our house until the sun starts shinning and the temperatures get somewhere above freezing. I might brave it sometime around mid-June.

My kids bought a battery operated nose thing they ever did. It gets all the junk out and is pretty slick. They also used a hudmidifier. Braxton had bad case of RSV once last winter along with an ear infection but the doctor said that because they were doing all the right things, he did not have to be hospitalized. It really isn't a bad idea to stay away from big crowds when RSV and the flu are rampant. Hope our little Tracker turns the corner and starts feeling better soon. Poor baby!! Take care.
I am TRYING to get caught up on all of my favorite blogs, which yours is definitely one of. I just had to say how stinkin CUTE Tracker is and I am so sorry that he is not feeling well. We've had to deal with severe RSV before with our girls and it sucks..and on top of everything else you guys have been through, I can't imagine how much more scary it feels. I will be thinking and praying for you guys and the little man to get better soon. All I know is, if you have ANY feeling it's getting worse..just go straight to the ER. We learned the hard way because Baylee was seen 3 times in 3 days..twice in 1 and her oxygen was ok earlier in the day but severely decreased by that night, so we ended up with an ambulence ride to the hospital =( He is such a handsome little boy and also looks SO MUCH like Makenzie! Beautiful babies. Hang in there..
Aw man, poor baby and poor mom :( I really hope this passes quickly. Are you familiar with doTerra essential oils? We use them all the time and they have one called breathe that is such a lifesaver with babies who have colds. Check it out if you're interested!
I am so, so sorry! This is what Jack had that hospitalized him. I hope Tracker gets better quickly. So scary. This is such a bad season for it!
I'm so sorry to hear Tracker is sick. RSV is scary in the little ones. =( I'll keep him in my prayers.
Did your dr order you an at home machiene for sucking his nose out ? If not ask his to. It is tge best thing ever and your insurance pays for it. It will get all the crap out of him fastv
Have your Dr order you a machiene for home that sucks his nose they work amazingly well and get all tge crap out
I don't know if this will help at all but since my 4 year old daughter was a baby we have put baby Vicks and now regular Vicks capo rub on the bottoms of her feet followed by a pair of socks. I honestly can't explain why it works but it does! Within minutes she is able to sleep peacefully for awhile before we add more. Poor baby.... I hope this helps!
I don't know if this will help at all but since my 4 year old daughter was a baby we have put baby Vicks and now regular Vicks capo rub on the bottoms of her feet followed by a pair of socks. I honestly can't explain why it works but it does! Within minutes she is able to sleep peacefully for awhile before we add more. Poor baby.... I hope this helps!
watch him very closely, and sitting in the bathroom with a hot shower helps a lot at night. I have done this many many times, but the steam works wonders on the cough and they can sleep. Also, ask if he could have breathing treatments (its where you put meds in a machine and it blows out a steam like stuff that they breath, that works wonders as well.. Try to stay calm (I know its hard
) but Tracker can sense your emotions and you dont want to upset him too. You will be in my prayers, so very sorry he is sick that is hard and sad.. Take care!
Both of my girls had RSV- at 3 months and 6 months. It is a ROUGH road-- expect him to be sick for 10-14 days. Did the dr. tell you about letting him steam up in a steamy bathroom ? and patting his back firmly? I remember sleeping upright on the couch for many nights so that my girls could breathe. Good luck!
Poor little man....praying he gets better soon and can stay out of the hospital!!
praying for you both.
Poor baby, I hope he feels better soon. A couple other things you might want to try is a cool humidifier, and put a pillow under his matress where his head goes to keep him elevated, when my boys were sick it really helped them not cough so much. They used to get sooo mad when they had their coughing fit too.
Lots of prayers your way for Tracker. I can only imagine how scary this is for you and will be praying for you as well.
I can totally relate. My little boy has had it for going on two weeks and then it turned into croup. We've been in and out of urgent care and they finally gave him a steroid to help with the cough. I've never seen my little man so sick and seeing him struggle to breath just breaks my heart. Hope your little guy gets well soon!
We are dealing with RSV right now also...absolutely horrible! We are at home with breathing treatments to see if that will ward it off, if not he will be going to the hospital. We feel your pain! We will be praying for your little guy and we hope it goes away quickly!!!
You don't know me but I've been reading your blog for quite a while now! I found it through Kami Satterlee and have been following your journey...
I just wanted to let you know that I have an 8 week old with RSV (my first baby) and I know how you feel. It's completely terrifying!! We found out he had RSV last Tuesday and ended up in the ER on Friday because he couldn't breathe. We are now doing nebulizer treatments until his cough completely clears up.
I just wanted to recommend getting a NoseFrida if you don't have one. the bulb suctions are completely worthless compared to NoseFrida which will help keep Tracker's nose really clear! Also, my pedi told me to let my son sleep in his carseat so he can breathe because whenever he lies flat, he coughs and chokes. Also steam up the bathroom after you suction his nose, and let him sit in the steam for a while - as well as a humbidifer.
Hang in there and be brave... RSV is scary but reall commond. Good luck mama!
Our 8 month old just got over RSV. I know it's tough! I was so scared! My doctor said it's running rampant right now. It took about a week for Norah to get over it, but she is back to her old self. She ended up getting an ear infection from it, but we caught it early at her follow-up appt and it hasn't bothered her. Keep up with the saline mist/drops and suctioning...especially before feeding and sleeping. The humidifier helps a lot! You probably already know all of this...haha. I feel for ya! It was a tough/scary few days. He will be okay, though! Praying for you and your sweet boy! :)
You don't know me but I have been reading your blog for awhile. I read your blog the other day about your baby being sick and I have been thinking about you ever since.
I wanted to reach out to you about essential oils. I use them on my family (kids are 7, 3 and 1) and I love them! I have been able to help my kids with so many things. Antibiotics only help with bacterial infections but the oils can work on viruses as well.
I can send you some information on oils for all kinds of different things, including RSV, anxiety, or for anything else you may be curious about. If you are interested, you can email me at
Hope he feels better soon and you are doing all right.
I feel for you!! My little guy, our rainbow babe, just went through RSV over Christmas (he was about 4 months then). Saline drops, nose sucker bulb, humidifier, baby Vicks on his feet and warm baths with soothing vapour bubble bath helped us. Prayers so your little one can stay home :)
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