December 30
112 days old
.Must be going through a growth spurt
.Waking up every 2 hours at night still
.Tried rice cereal again but didn't eat it as well as the day before
.Went on a moose hunt (look for moose)
.Gone all day
.Pet a horse for the first time
.Enjoyed a lot of extra time with Mum and Dad
.Visited the Harknesses and Aunt Jill
December 31
113 days old
.New Years Eve
.Wore a mini new years hat
.Took a 30 min. nap in his crib
.Loves his worm dancing toy he got for Christmas the best
.Stops crying almost every time we turn it on
.Crying less and less throughout the day
.Tried to stay up until midnight but only lasted until about 9:30 and only woke up once when all the crazy excitement was going on and went right back to sleep after I snuggled him for a bit
.Enjoyed a night with the Anderson's
.Drank a bottle with a little rice cereal in it and he loved that
January 1
114 days old
.Dad had the day off
.Tried rice cereal again and still not eating it so good
.Has to hold my finger when he eats both when I nurse him and when he drinks from a bottle
.Sleeps through the vacuum but wakes up for just about anything else
.Loves to sit in his bumbo and watch me
.Took a 45 min. nap in his crib
.When he was sitting in his bumbo watching me do dishes the plates clinked together and he completely freaked. He started screaming like I have never heard before. He was doing the huff huff cry. It took forever to calm him down. It was the saddest thing
.When I was putting him to bed he sneezed and a giant fart shot out at the exact same time. He looks at me and just starts laughing. It was hilarious
January 2
115 days old
.Started watching this cute little girl that lives down the street who is a month younger than Tracker
.He likes to watch her
.Aunt Janet came into town for a wedding
.Tracker met Aunt Janet for the first time and we got to spend the day with her
.Played with toys in his bumbo
.Grandma Diane, Aunt Jill and Aunt Alana came to visit
.Missed Dad since he had to work late
January 3
116 days old
.Day 2 of 2 babies
.Ran errands
.Spent lots of time snuggling
.Grandma and Papa came to visit
January 4
117 days old
.Enjoying tummy time more and more
.Can roll over from tummy to back
.Visit from Aunt Alana
.Pretty much out grown all 0-3 month clothes
.Went to cousin Craig's wedding
.Met lots of family for the first time
.Slept through the entire reception
.Was snuggled by his Aunt Lisa all night
January 5
118 days old
.Tried to sleep in but this bebe doesn't know what a weekend is
.Woke up extra happy
.First time waking up with wet clothes, I'm wondering if his 1/2 diapers are getting to small
.Lunch with Grandma and Aunt Janet
.Hung out with Misty, DiAnn and Keelie for a bit
.Anxiously awaited to see if sweet little Millie got to meet Justin Beiber (which she DID)
Please let time slow down a little. This is all going by so fast.

1 comment :
I have been catching up on your blog all night. I think you mentioned something in another post about him waking up wet in the morning. I just wanted to let you know that pampers and huggies both make night time diapers (you may already know this, but just in case you didn't). They don't start until size 3, but even when my kids were in size 2 I would use them. I have only used the huggies brand so I can't say anything about the Pampers, but I love the huggies. It still happens every once in a while, but not as much. From what I have just happens more with boys because of obvious reasons and then mine also likes to sleep on his tummy. Hope this helps and that you don't think I'm being annoying giving out advice you didn't ask for. I always worry about that (but I'm a major worrier/have bad anxiety). Sorry!
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