Just a little cry out to all those baby mamas or soon to be baby mamas-Where oh where did you get your clothes? I'm not so good at this! I went on a fabulous shopping trip with my Mother and sister in law however- Those adorable clothes that are screaming my name in my closet just don't fit right now. I can fit into SOME jeans that I have always worn but my work pants are DUNZO~ I am wearing the amazing bella band but when it comes to work pants- I worry a bit. I don't want to be chillin at my desk all the while my bella band slips out of place and I get up to (what else) go to the bathroom and oops- there goes my pants! Now don't think I'm crazy- This almost happened once. Good thing I have been very conscious of this and grabbed the suckers before anything HR related happened.
Boy oh Boy... or
Girl oh Girl...
This stage is really not all the super duper so in love with my changing body the world is full of sunshine and lolly pops! (MMmm. Lolly pop)
I am feeling plump! I have discovered a new curve each morning, Head aches/ Migraines are now a daily issue, I am super lazzzy which means my house is in utter despair, I have given up on getting comfortable at night, the couch, the bed and the floor have all left me with sleepless nights (NO those prego/body pillows don't help). I cant keep on top of the shaving business because my body has all the sudden decided hair in all places is in! Okay okay the one good advantage- my locks-o-love are growing in pretty fab (in my opinion, but you may of course see differently)
So with longer locks-o-love I have to also see the other positive and say my skin is baby soft! I have had those annoying bumps on my arms for years but all the sudden they are gone! Lets hope it lasts forever. All in all I am very much enjoying being pregnant. I cant tell you how exciting it is to wonder if today will be the day I can feel it for the first time. This is so far one of the longest yet shortest life changing experiences ever! What a great ride so far!
So- for clothes- where did you shop?