12.31.12 - 1.1.13
We didn't plan much for New Years once again this year.
I really don't think we have ever planned much of anything come to think of it.
Maybe someday we will find ourselves at some crazy party or something but for now I am perfectly happy hanging out at home with the best company around.
The Anderson's came over to help us party it up.
We had a great dinner, watched the countdown and blew up about a thousand confetti poppers.
... all before 10:00pm.
yeah we did an early HAPPY NEW YEAR for the kids.
Well for all but Tracker. He was in bed at 9:30. He tried to stay up but just couldn't make it.
Other than waking up for a brief moment when he heard the big bands he stayed sound asleep.
The kids then snuggled in our bed and watched a movie while the rest of us stayed up until midnight.
Other than quietly say Happy New Year (so we didn't wake anyone up) we didn't do anything to wild the first moments of 2013. Our friends then loaded up and went home and Ryan and I went straight to bed. Seriously we are getting old and lame.
Happy 2013 to Everyone.
I pray its an amazing year with more love, kindness, compassion and smiles and a whole lot less
violence, pain, anger and selfish people.

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