The past 3 years now we have gone over to my sisters house Christmas morning to watch her kids open presents. They are all at such fun ages and really make this day magical.
We head over when we get the call that they cant hold their kids back anymore and to hurry and get there or we will miss it all.
Christmas morning was so cold. We were freezing driving in the car over there in our jammies.
After we got there everyone went nuts. I cant believe they can keep all of their stuff separate.
We never get to stay long because we still have to head back home to do our own Christmas, get ready and then head out for the rest of the day. When we got back to our house we were greeted with Harley who decided she waited long enough and started in on her stocking goodies while we were gone.
*see our Christmas Morning post*
After we had a wonderful morning we loaded up the truck and headed out.
First stop was Ryans parents.
We brought the bacon and cinnamon rolls to add to Christmas breakfast.
We ate tons, watched the kids enjoy their gifts, visited Grandma Phillis and ate a delicious ham lunch.
After all of our fun we headed to share Christmas with our sweet girl.
*see Makenzie's Christmas Post*
We then headed to my Moms.
We enjoyed all their yummy treats and my mom enjoyed this little boy.
We ended the evening spending a little time with our dear friends.
They stuffed us with even more food so we had to dance off half the calories.
So much fun making a fool of yourself.
After a very long but amazing day we headed home.
Tracker was completely exhausted.
It was another amazing day celebrating Jesus Christ, spending time with family and friends and just soaking up all the many blessings we are given.

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