Friday, September 25, 2015


Happy Friday!
Life is busy busy busy right now. We have so much going on I can't keep it all straight.
We struggle. We are overwhelmed. but goodness we are Happy. I am consistently learning how to balance Ryan and Tracker and Friends and Family and working and building a future and caring what others think of me and putting energy into those who matter and cooking enough healthy meals and turning the tv off more. Running more and not worrying about cleaning as much.
Balance People.
Good God.
Its hard.
I know all you Mama's can relate.
So I will get you all caught up on our happenings soon but right now the balance that I need to focus on is what holds a very special place in my heart and that's The Leggings Project.
So many of you that follow me on Instagram and Facebook know I have been talking about it and so many of you have donated! Thank YOU! Thank YOU! I am so thankful!
but its not too late if you are interested. Every donation means something. Every donation will help!
I would love to place another wholesale order of leggings for this years donation.
I am able to get leggings for $2 a pair. So a $2 donation = 1 pair of leggings! That's amazing!
If you would rather donate knee high leggings that ill sew into leggings that would be perfect as well!
You can learn more about the leggings and why the project came to be by clicking the Leggings tab at the top of the page.

You can send money through paypal
You can send a check or send money through Venmo.
Contact me for more information.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Summer Break

Its been a while!
I have missed this blog. This space to share and connect.
The last few months have been a bit crazy. Busy. Fun. Frustrating. Overwhelming... Life I guess.
Our Tracker just turned 3! Can you believe it?
I can't believe we have now had him in our arms for 3 years.
He is funny, smart, creative, silly, wild, full of energy and the sweetest little person you will ever know. He cars so much about others feelings and if they are happy or sad.
He is my greatest blessing. He has shown me so much about life and what its really about.
Kenzie had her 6th birthday in July! Wow. I can't even believe she would be in 1st grade this year.
Ryan is in school and working full time. I still have all my kids that I babysit and I love it.
Im getting ready to place another wholesale order for leggings. We have been collecting all year. I can't wait to share more about that. If you are interested in learning more about how to donate leggings let me know. Click the link at the top if you are not sure what the Leggings project even is!
You can donate money through paypal (, check, Venmo or donate leggings and socks!
I am able to buy these leggings for $1.75 so even a small donation will make a huge difference!
Cant wait to start connecting with you all again!


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