oh this life.
some days are okay
other days are hell.
what have we been up to?
spring semester ended for me- i didn't do great in school but passed.
I'm taking 1 class this summer.
i need extra time to prepare for
Makenzie's Live, Laugh, Breathe event in July.
I'm working really hard on the event but never feel I'm on top of it yet.
ryan went to the cabin with his dad and BIL last weekend.
they had a great time, even if there was still 4ft of snow!
i went to idaho.
of course i forgot my camera!
it was nice to spend some time with my amazing sister and her family.
i miss them. ms S is getting so big i cant believe it.
dogs are doing good.
milo is sweet but not my buddy yet. harley is still my "baby puppy"
milo pee's and poops all over the house and chews up everything. (yeah i know, what else did i expect?) i had more patience with harley. i don't know why i cant have more patience with milo. he is growing like a weed- seriously. he is 13 weeks old and 22 lbs! he is going to be huge. i didn't realize i was buying a horse. maybe next winter we can hook a sled up to his back and he can pull us around on the snow :)
ryan and i are keeping busy. over the last month our days seem to be getting harder not easier. we talk about makenzie all the time. we think about her every second.
i worry about ryan. i wish i could hold him all the time and be his strength. I'm trying. he is so amazing. he is my strength. I'm the one who crumbles on him. we lay in bed and cry more often. we do it together though. then we make each other get up. we are a good team. i couldn't ask for a better partner. i feel more love for him everyday.
our cute roomie (jillie) still lives with us. I'm not sure if we will ever let her leave.
we have been asked about more kids quite a bit lately. right now- its not even in our thoughts.
***just an fyi- if you find out someone has lost a child, i know its uncomfortable and you don't know what to say but please oh please- more than anything don't say
"well you can just have another one"seriously- like its a pair of shoes, i can just go buy a new pair! no... not only is it offensive and ridiculous but you might also put your foot in your mouth like people have with us because no- we cant just have another child... our daughter passed away from a genetic disease- that means most likely- our next child will have it.***
ok anyway- children right now, or anytime in the near future is a no.
for things coming up in the next couple months:
- St. George this weekend
- Yellowstone next weekend, cant wait to stay
- Camping in June
- my brother Ben is moving to Washington with his family! They will also be able to make it to the event in July!
- of course
Makenzie's event-- 52 more days!
- San Diego vaca... we leave with D+A+E+B+Dboy+Ry+Me on July 20th
- Ry bday in July
- summer semester ending
- fall semester beginning and... ill have a college buddy- that's right- Ryan is enrolling in school!
there are other events here and there that will keep us busy.
we are trying to live. although its so hard and sometimes we just don't know how we will do it- we do. because of our friends, our family and this blog. we are moving. slowly. painfully. but moving. i pray for Makenzie's freedom everyday- i pray for her happiness- i pray for her.
someday we will hold her again.

*ry came to our sonic picnic this time*