September 30
21 days old
.Spent the whole day with Papa, Grandma Becky, Aunt Brooke, Uncle Shaun, Addi and Easton
.visit from Aunt Jill and Aunt Alana
.visit from Aunt Jill and Aunt Alana
.First blow out during the night
.While changing said blow out- bebe continued to go and white bedding is no longer white
October 1
22 days old
.Grocery Store
.Aunt Alana visits
.Harley pee'd all over the house
.Naked tummy time
.First time he ROLLED OVER. maybe it was a fluke. maybe he is a genius
.First formula bottle to try and see if it eases his tummy a bit
.Didn't sleep
October 2
23 days old
.Met my good friend Lisa F
.Ran errands
.Visited Daddy at work
.First time on his play mat. Thought it was okay, didn't love it
.Helped Mum multi-task the majority of the day via the Bjorn
.Dad gave Track his nightly bath
October 3
24 days old
.Long walk with the dog in perfect weather
.Played on the floor for a few hours happily while Mum worked
.Took a little nap outside in the sun
.Put up Halloween/Fall decor
.First mohawk
.Visit from Aunt Alana
.Was an amazing baby today. Hardly cried
.First time Harley woke Track up with her barks. He usually isn't fazed by it. This time it scared the crap out of the poor boy. He cried the saddest cry for a good 10 minutes.
October 4
25 days old
.Long walk with the dog
.Dressed for the Utah game
.Doctors appointment for this rather unhappy baby
.He gave him some reflux medicine to see if that's his problem
.Got weighed and found he gained a whole POUND in just 1 week
.Current weight 9.1 lbs
.Dad went to Utah game and Mum stayed home enjoying the evening with Allie
October 5
26 days old
.First road trip
.Mum packed like we were moving
.First experience with a bebe at a rest stop. It was horrifying
.Tracker slept the majority of the drive.
.First time crossing state lines
.First time visiting Idaho
.First time meeting his Aunt Lisa, Uncle Ron and cousin Sarah
October 6
27 days old
.Went to Uncle Rons tactical shooting range
.Pumpkin carnival
.First tractor hey ride
.Picked a pumpkin
.Spent all day being loved on by his Aunt and Cousin
.Decided to party all night
.Only got a total of 3 hours of sleep
How has this been my life for almost a month?
So lucky.

My cousin gave me a great trick to get out baby poop stains: sunshine. It works great on breastmilk poops--not sure if it works on formula poops. It even works on stains that have been washed and dried already. His white bedding can be white again!
I do not miss those blow outs. Thankfully, I did not have to deal with them much my second time around. It is so amazing how much little ones bless your life and the most mundane tasks are the moments we live for. You are doing a fabulous job and you are a great mum!
Tracker is one sweet boy. He's just adorable. Yes, you are lucky but oh, so blessed too. You have a bit of heaven here on earth with him coming to our family. I didn't realize when Braxton came how fun it is to have a baby around the house again. I miss his little self now that he's such a big boy. Take care. Love you!!
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