We have been planning on going to a pumpkin patch and taking a hay ride for weeks with Ryan's family. Saturday morning we met up early for breakfast at the best little diner around, Sills, then headed up the street to pumpkin patch #1. We got out, got bundled up and started to wait in line. After a few minutes we overheard someone say something about needing a ticket. We found an employee and sure enough you had to have a ticket to get in. and they were all sold out. So we loaded back into the car and went to pumpkin patch #2. We pull up to find it was closed!
It was not our day pumpkin patch wise.
So instead we just found a local pumpkin vendor off the side of the road and grabbed a few.
There was no hay ride or the experience of picking the pumpkin off the vine
but it was still so much fun.
Addi and Teagan are such great friends. They love each other so much. Its hilarious to see them together. Two 4 year old girls together can mean trouble though. You have to keep an eye on them :)
We got a few cute pictures which to me made the whole run around worth it.
...seriously look how cute Tracker is. He is quickly growing out of his newborn clothes and filling out his 0-3 month which means jeans and boots. Seriously he is such a stud. I love him to pieces. and I love dressing him up in little man clothes.

Looks like you guys still had fun. Love the last 2 pics. Tracker is so handsome!!
He is getting so big!!! I'm loving those jeans and boots!
Oh my heavens I just can't get over how darn cute he is! Tracker is a little stud in his jeans and boots for sure :)
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