Because my phone fell in the pooper all my good pictures of our costumes and Tracker in his Utah gear are gone. I was able to salvage a few that Ryan and my sister took on their phones.
Tracker was suppose to be a cow but when Ryan and I got all ready in our cowboy gear I couldn't help but try Tracks little hat on him and couldn't take it off. So we put him in his cowboy gear and were ready to go. You think we bought any of his outfit for Halloween? No.... See what I mean about Ryan turning him into a mini cowboy? Wrangler jeans, camo cowboy boots, bow-lo tie, hat and lumberjack shirt. I don't fit into this family clothing wise.
We went to a fun Halloween party at our friend Nicks house. He was hosting it for our Primerica team.
His wife decorated their house amazing. I couldn't believe it. We couldn't stay as long as we wanted since my Moms Halloween party was pretty much at the same time.
My mom has her annual party which we all love.
She does the same games and activities and the kids always think its the best.
We couldn't stay too long there either since we were running late to the Utah game.
I got these tickets for Ryan a while ago and when I bought them the website I got them from said the game was at 1:00 pm. I thought that was perfect since we were taking Tracker. Well a couple days before the game we realized it wasn't until 7:45pm.
We drove up there and had to park hours away it seemed. We were kind of running so we wouldn't miss to much of the game and I couldn't wait any longer- I had to go potty. They line this one street with porta potties because that's where all the tailgaters are. I ran into one and ran out just as fast. What I didn't realize is that my phone was in my back pocket and it fell into the pot. I didn't realize until we got to our seats. Teach me to put my phone in my back pocket and teach me to ever use a porta potty. blah.
I was so nervous to take Tracker and have it be too cold. but thanks to advice from Allie who is a Utah game veteran, He hung out in the Bjorn the entire time with blankets surrounding him. He never woke up and the noise didn't even make him flinch. I was sweating up a storm so I know he was toasty warm. Utah won which was awesome. It was the blackout game so I tried my best to put him in as much black as possible but seriously he had to wear his jersey. It was the cutest thing ever!
It was such a crazy busy night but we had so much fun.

Oh my heck Tracker is a handsome cowboy!!! And he is getting chub on his legs! Oooo he is to cute! I can't get over how much he changes and grows from each post! Enjoy him :)
I'm SICK about your phone. That cowboy outfit and Utah jersey are the CUTEST!
Needing to kiss that boy again! :)
Love it!!
OH MY GOSH!!! Tracker is SOOOOOO adorable in all of his clothing! How do you even try to decide what to put on him?! (I have the same problem with my little Ayla.)
He is so cute, I have read your blog from time to time. I just wanted to say it is so neat to see you happy again. It is hard to feel joy again when you loose a child, 2 of my boys passed away from SMA. I do have one living son without SMA and I take everyday as a gift. It is neat as I said to see that joy. HOpe you have a great new month. Michele
LOVE his cowboy outfit, the hat is adorable. I have never seen a baby cowboy hat. I love it!! He looks adorable in his jersey and I love his rolls on his legs. Baby rolls are THE best!! Again, I'm so sorry about your phone!! :-(
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