September 23
14 days old
2 Weeks
.Slept in late
.Snuggled with Dad for hours
.Went to breakfast
.Grandma Becky and Papa came to visit
.Aunt Jill came for hugs
September 24
15 days old
.Spent the whole afternoon with our friends
.Was so happy riding in the stroller for hours
.Picked up a few new shirts for this little nut
September 25
16 days old
.Doctors appointment
.Weights 8.1 lbs and 21" long
.Cried during the exam and during the foot prick
.Visit from Aunt Alana
.First blowout diaper
.Wore his moose outfit since my niece nicknamed him moose track
September 26
17 days old
.Poor baby didn't sleep more than a total of 4 hours
.Cried almost all morning
.Wouldn't let Mom put him down for a second
.Didn't eat much
.Puked several times
September 27
18 days old
.Cried most of the day
.Didn't sleep much
September 28
19 days old
.First time drinking from a bottle. Total Pro.
.First time in the Bjorn- loves it as much as his sister
.Took a 3 hour walk to try and keep baby happy
.Still not sleeping
.Still so very upset
September 29
20 days old
.Dad had to take Harley to the vet unexpectedly (more on that later)
.Went to the new Scheels grand opening with Dads family
.Thanksgiving point with friends
.First BBQ
.Did better during the day but not so much at night
Time is going by so fast.

K he is just darling! His little features are so defined and perfect! I am so happy for you guys!
He is so cute and I'm so happy for you and Ryan. Enjoy this special time :-) I'm sure Makenzie is so happy in heaven as well...
(As you are concerned about him, you might like to know that: The BabyBjörn is unfortunately one of the worst baby carrier so far. Especially for a boy which can lead to infertility. Our government is even thinking about forbidden this carrier by law here.
Greetings from Germany
Oh Kendra, he is beautiful! I'm so happy for your family! My first baby was super colicky. I know how frustrating it is to have a baby that just cries and cries. I found the motion of his swing helped him. Also, my doctor gave him something called Levsin drops. They worked wonders. He was still colicky, but not as bad. Good luck!
I want that moose outfit! SO CUTE
Kendra - When my daughter (almost 3 yrs old now) was 3 weeks old, she SCREAMED for 3 days straight. I thought it was colic or bad gas. We tried EVERYTHING from putting her knees up to her chest, rubbing her tummy, bouncing her up and down, putting her in the swing. Nothing worked. I was so desperate to get her to stop that I thought about driving almost an hour away to the children's hospital. Luckily I was able to get her an appointment at the pediatrician's office the next morning. All they had to do was switch formula. I was nursing her, but I also gave her formula to supplement because I was so exhausted from her always being on the boobs all day!
I hope little Tracker gets over his colicky spells soon. I know how hard it is to deal with it. My mom always told me (and tells me to THIS day), "this too shall pass" :) Just remember that! If I lived near y'all, I would be glad to help out! Harley is precious with him! My dog and daughter are super close like that too. Whoever started the whole trend that pit bulls are bad is crazy!
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