My little man is 1 month old!
I cant believe he has been in our life for a whole month.
The last month has been incredible.
We did a little photo shoot this morning.
He was surprisingly good the entire time I was snapped over 300 pictures. It was a good change to a very unhappy boy the past couple weeks. This poor boy is so sweet but sure has a set of lungs.
He is a colicky babe which breaks my heart.
He cries a good part of the day and night. Hardly sleeps. Only wants to be held. mainly by his mum.
Its a good thing he holds my heart or I think I would be loosing my mind.
but he makes it all worth it.
1 month Tracker:
10.1 lbs seriously gaining a pound a week
21 inches
Newborn but they are getting snug
size NB but I hope to not buy anymore NB I think we will try size 1 and hope they are not to big
We try to put him down around 10:00pm and he wakes up between 1:00-2:00am then again between 3:00-4:00am and then again around 6:00am and is up for the day.
Waking up a few times is not our issue in this house. Its that he wont go back to sleep after he eats. He cries unless I am holding him a certain way. So Mum gets little sleep around here.
This boy is a great eater. Since day 1 he hasn't really had an issue. I am feeding him every 2-3 hours. I am pretty much exclusively nursing but if he sucks me dry and he is still starving ill supplement some formula. He drinks from a bottle great, almost better than the boob.
Being snuggled by Mum. Taking a bath or shower. Going on a walk outside. Looking out the window. Getting kisses. Being in the Bjorn. Resting his head on my shoulder. Sleeping with his arms spread wide. His binky. Eating. Getting his diaper changed. Car rides. His own bed. Dad talking to him and tickling him. Being burped.
His bouncer. His swing. The mamaroo. Getting his lotion rub down. Having a dirty diaper. When Harley lays on him. Being away from his Mum. When he has eye boogies. Getting his nose cleaned.
I will be making a post of our 1 month must haves.
There are a few things I have learned we NEED and a few things I learned suck!
Its been so fun being a Mum. Learning what works and what doesn't.
Tracker is such a sweet heart.
He loves when I snuggle him tight.
I always need to have a hand on him or he freaks out.
He gave me his first smile!
He makes the funniest faces when he is awake but mainly when he is sleeping.
Ryan and I sit around and laugh all the time at little noises and expressions he does.
He poops and farts SO LOUD.
Seriously if you have ever been around him you know what I mean.
You wouldn't believe it unless you heard it.
He grunts and groans and yells as he is pooping.
Then is shoots out of him. Like a little bomb. Its so loud and you would think he totally just blew out his diaper. but sometimes its just a little shart. Its hilarious. and a bit embarrassing when we are in public. There has been more than one occasion he will do it and people look at me like I did it.
It sounds like an adult but I promise its the little stinker I'm with.
He is funny about being swaddled. Some days/nights he loves having his arms and body tightly wrapped but other times hates it. I am always trying to guess his mood and what he wants.
He loved those big hospital binks but after an unfortunate incidence that I lost the only one he liked... yes we had others and he didn't want them. For some reason he could tell which one was the one we got from the hospital and he would only take that one. Well after I lost it. I started giving him the Nuk bink and he has now fallen inlove. Our only complaint is the hard plastic. Sometimes he jabs his face with it and we are all unhappy when that happens.
He has a rash/baby ache that comes and goes on a daily basis.
His eye boogies are yucky. His doc said he has clogged tear ducts. We are putting this ointment in his eyes to keep them from getting infected. I hate when he wakes up and cant open his eyes because they are stuck shut. So sad.
He spends most of his days on my shoulder while I tap his back. It seems to calm him the best. and I love it. That was one of the things I missed most when Kenzie was in the hospital.
Holding her over my shoulder.
He is holding his head up sooo good. I am so impressed with how strong his neck is.
This last month has been so amazing. I am falling more and more in love with this little boy everyday. He is the best. I am consistently in amazement that he is here and he is ours. I thank God all the time for giving him to us. He has brought so much happiness into our home. Happiness I never thought we would experience again. We pay attention to all his details. Every little or big thing he does. I find myself just lost in his little movements or feeling him breathe. I kiss his face every other second. I love to feel his skin, hold his hands and tickle his toes. I am soaking up every moment with my son.
It feels so good to have a reason again.
... we celebrated with cookies and extra kisses all day ...
Caramel apple cider cookies (my favorite)
Chocolate chip cookies (Ryans favorite)

He is so stinkin cute! I am so happy for you guys! I love the pics of him in the cowboy boots and Harley with her paw over him with the painted nails. :D Too cute!
He is adorable!
Getting cuter by the day. Colic will go away. Just hang on.
He is too cute! My little guy had colic too and it was rough. He didn't sleep at all and cried lots. Something that did help was a baby sling. Since he liked to be held all of the time it was helpful to be able to keep in close and have two hands to you know eat or go to the bathroom :) It will eventually get better and go away so hang in there!
You can use your milk for his clogged tear duct!
I'm so happy for you guys. Congrats a million times over. And, by the way, I think you should share your apple cider cookies recipe...sounds interesting. (:
Adorable! You can tell that he REALLY likes the boots! :)
He looks so much like his sister in those pictures. I too love his boots.
He is just too cute!! Hard to believe he's already a month old!
Hi Kendra,
I have a 12 week old little girl that suffered from horrible colic. What helped for us was using the Enfamil AR formula. I hated to do it because I wanted to breast feed but I also felt like I needed to offer the poor girl some relief however I could. I also had great luck with Gripe water. It's natural and organic and worked very well in giving her some relief. Anyway, I feel for you because I know it can be tough to see them so upset and uncomfortable. Best of luck to you and your little guy!
LOVE all of these pics!! Loved the leg warmers in there too.
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