Its no secret Ryan is obsessed with hunting.
It takes over his life.
He would do it 24/7 all year long if he could.
Since the age of 16 he has been trying to draw out on a certain area. With hunting you have to put in for different areas and hope your name is drawn to obtain a tag. There are only so many tags available each year and in each area. So in this special area called the Paunsaugunt very few tags are given out each year. Its pretty exclusive and known for having HUGE bucks. So Last year February 2011- Ryan put in for that area once again crossing his fingers that this might be the golden year. We had to wait until the end of May to know. When we found out Ryan and his brother in law finally got their tags for the Paunsaugunt- they were on cloud nine until August when it was finally hunting time.
Last year was a hard year for many reasons but the month of August threw a lot of problems our way. The biggest one being our Gracie. Ryan was going to go down to the cabin (which is right by where the Paunsaugunt is) every weekend through August to scout the area and find where the biggest bucks were. Because of everything that happened he didn't get to go down pretty much at all. I felt horrible since I knew he had waited so long to hunt that area and I wanted him to have a pretty good chance getting something and it worried me that he didn't get to scout at all before opening day. He stayed home with me and I am so grateful for that. You can tell there is love when a man chooses his wife over hunting. At least in our house.
It really wasn't a big deal at all and he did still make it down for the opening weekend.
Lucky for him.
August 20. The opening morning. Ryan got his deer.
He called me almost immediately and was squealing like a girl.
He was so happy.
I was laughing so hard just listening to him explain every detail.
He told me he had to get it mounted.
All I could think of was that there is no where in our house to put it.
We have a little condo and I knew he would want to find a place to display it for all to see.
He took it to the taxidermist and has been waiting for it ever since.
He finally got the call and went to pick it up on Makenzies birthday.
I think she knew he could use a little something special that day.
He called me on his way home telling me how much he loved it and he wanted to put it in the front room. Before it was finished we came to an agreement that we could put it in the stairway going upstairs. That was the only area the ceilings are high enough that it wouldn't be eye level when you hang it. Ryan totally caught me at the right second because I just laughed and said whatever.
and that's what he did. Its in the middle of the front room. Its just about eye level and still scares me sometimes. Harley has yet to get used to it and is a bit nervous around it.
She doesn't like to be left alone with it.
I'm getting used to it but it doesn't go with any of my decor.
Which is a problem despite what Ryan says.
but my Ryan stares at it all the time and loves it almost more than me. Or maybe more. I'm not quite sure. We will see who he chooses to save if there is ever a fire.
Hunting has never been my thing and I never understood it before Ryan came along. He has sure changed my mind about a lot of things in life. I have thanked the deer all the time for giving us all that meat. We only eat deer meat in our house and love it. and I promise if you ever eat at our place- you will never know its venison instead of beef. I know how to cook it right.
One of the best days of Ryan's life.
That is one happy husband.

This post made me laugh. Your hubby looks so incredibly happy! You guys seem like a very cute couple.
WOW! That is HUGE! Congrats to Ryan on finally getting his deer!
That is so awesome! My husband loves to hunt, but isn't able to do it as much as he'd like! Someday I will learn to cook deer so it doesn't taste so gamey! I do okay with elk, but so far no such luck with the deer! :). Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful stories! You and your family are such an inspiration to me!
Well Kendra, I would like to trade you.. I will trade you the deer head for this 410 Bull Elk I have to live with in my house!! A deer would be such a nice change:) I still walk around the corner and jump when I look up and see the darn thing! And I get your point about the animal not going along with the decor. I still tell him that and we have had it for 4 years now. My hubby wants to go all camo! YIKES
haha What us girls have to deal with.
My hubby has put in for the Paunsaugunt hunt for a few years now but has since changed to the Henry Mt. so I am just hoping he will not draw for awhile haha the elk is good enough for me!
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