We are mear weeks from popping this child out.
Its coming fast yet not fast enough.
You can find me at least once a day having some sort of breakdown and freaking out about all the things we need to do before this baby comes and then 2 seconds later freaking out that its taking too long and its just not fair. Again--- dogs are prego for like 6 weeks. and yes I know if I was an elephant I would be pregnant for like 2 years but I'm comparing to dogs okay... and its not fair.
When I reason with myself I realize I am ready if he comes. I mean all I need is a place for him to sleep, boobs and some diapers. He will not care if the shed is spick and span, the floors have been bleached, every door knob is shiny and he has a stock pile of jeans. He might talk to his therapist about it later in life but we can cross that bridge when it comes. As for right now- he will be just fine.
but you get where I am coming from right? The nesting...
So some detailed happenings about us-
- Working a bit of a crazy schedule. Every week is different. Sometimes he is off around 3:30 other times he is off after 8. Its a little annoying for me mainly because I am a bit of a control freak and I like to have everything planned way in advance. The worst days are the days he goes in at 6ish and doesn't get home until 8:30pm or later. I honestly want to cry thinking about how hard he is working.
- He is totally ready to get the hell away from his extremely emotional pregnant wife and hunt to his hearts desire. This is the prime of life and he anxiously awaits August-October every year.
- Loving all the plans we are making for this boy. He is so excited to have a son. It makes me laugh and I wonder if he remembers that when they first come they don't do much but lay there.
- Has been making a TON of those para cord survival bracelets. He loves it. He is selling them on etsy right now. He has made several different kinds and is making dog collars and key chains as well. He is pretty talented.
- Latest obsessions:
TV Shows: Mountain man and the Olympics.
Drink: Mountain Dew
Food: Ribs
Activity: Riding his 4wheeler
Clothes: George Straight wrangler jeans and his new birthday shoes.
- Working like crazy. Still at the baby boutique, now working with an amazing new company that offers various financial services and starting to work with an old employer again doing secretarial work from home.
- Obsessed with boy clothes. I didn't think there were so many cute and different styles out there. I am loving the little man apparel.
- Just a tad bit nervous Ryan could miss the birth of his son while he is hunting.
- I am on an organizing kick. Every closet, cupboard, box, drawer, nook and cranny has already been cleaned out or is on the to do list and will be completed soon. The only thing good about Ryan going away every weekend is that I get a lot more done around the house. Then he comes home and things are a mess within minutes. Silly boys. I don't know what I'm going to do when there is a mini Ryan terrorizing my house.
- So Ryan bought me a nice camera last year in hopes that I could learn it and take amazing pictures by the time a baby came around so we could save money on all those professional pics. I have to admit I have yet to learn how to master it. I thought it would be so easy. I would keep it on manual and it would just take amazing pictures. I was mistaken. I have read a few books but haven't really put the time into it like I should. So instead of really working at it- I use my phone for 100% of my pictures. I think the quality has turned out really good with some pictures, horrible with others... Maybe ill sign up for a class or something before this little man comes to get figure out this camera. Its been a something I think about almost daily.
-Whats taking up my days other than work:
Swimming, trying to get my blog book caught up, finding a pediatrician, cleaning, texting Ryan every 15 minutes- calling every other hour- just because, watching my belly move, rearranging my house and playing with Harley.
- Spending her days snoozing by the back door. She is not very happy that we leave her and she misses us like crazy.
- I clean up all her toys and bones every day and by the end of the day they are all out again and all over the house. She is like a little kid. and she knows what each of them are. We will tell her to get her giraffe, her spiky ball, her soft bone, her bone, her baby... etc... and she will get whatever you tell her to get. She is so smart!
- Still not a fan of the deer in the front room. She used to fall asleep on the couch then come up to her bed around midnight. Well she wont sleep with the deer now so she falls asleep on the stairs then comes to bed. Its a funny routine that she does every single night.
- Latest obsessions: Laying on my lap- squashing the baby- and when he kicks her or moves, she jumps up and watches my tummy with her head tilted.
Sitting in the bath tub and licking the soap.
Going on rides in the bed of the truck- oh she loves it more than anything in life.
and attacking the hose.
Aside from work we have been busy with---
having Devlin and Teagan with us.
Spending time with friends.
Playing in water of any kind.
Visiting our Kenzie.
Sneaking in as many dates as possible.
Planning trips when the baby is born to visit family.
Spending as much time with family as possible.
Enjoying the HOT sun.
Going on walks.
Going to the fair.
Selling our truck.
Celebrating birthdays... Summer is seriously FULL of birthdays in our family.
Visiting with out of town family.
Growing a crap load of pumpkins. Somehow a pumpkin plant was planted in our flower bed and the thing has taken over the whole front yard. Its covered the sidewalk. We have thought about digging it up but we are so excited to have a ton of pumpkins that we haven't done it yet. I honestly find a new pumpkin every day almost. There are 6 so far. I really looks horrible and makes us look like we don't take care of our yard but I want me some pumpkins!
Collecting Leggings.
Eating snow cones.
- Ryans idea of a date... Romance is bursting at the seems in our house people -
So there you have it. Just a little update. Nothing too exciting. but its enough to keep us super busy.
I have sure been missing Ryan. Bed time really is the best time of our day because we finally get to be together. We usually end up laying there talking for a few hours about the day. Joking. Sometimes arguing- usually about my pregnancy pillow that takes up half the bed- and then we sleep. Usually around midnight. Well Ryan sleeps while I play solitaire because I cant sleep... Remember that whole insomnia thing is back. Ah so annoying.

Hi Kendra! I need the mailing address to send BabyLegs to for your collection. I sent an email but didn't hear back (afraid it might have gone to a SPAM folder or disappeared in the mess of cyber-world somewhere). Could you email me the address? rae_shawna@hotmail.com
I just realized while reading this post that I was sitting in my hospital bed waiting for the nurses and doc to start my labor (or at least get it going more)! Too funny.
I have one piece of advice about your camera--if you have good photo editing software it really doesn't matter how good/bad the photos are! I use Picasa--nothing fancy--when I want to edit a photo and it usually turns out ok.
Good luck!
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