Right before Makenzie was born I was so afraid I wouldn't love her enough.
I worried I would love our Harley more than her. Silly silly thought :)
Ryan still makes fun of me for that one. I blame it on pregnancy brain. Not thinking clearly.
I was also nervous Harley and the baby wouldn't adjust well to each other. I worried what if Harley was left alone in a room with her what she would do. I was panicked for a few days after bringing Kenzie home but it wasn't long before those girls fell in love with each other. Harley adored Makenzie. It was really cute. She knew not to lick her anywhere other than her feet. She would lay next to Kenzie on the floor or on the ottoman and snuggle up to her. Harley would get up with me when Kenzie cried at night and was always so worried when she would make a peep.
When Kenzie got sick and we were at the hospital she would lay in front of her door for hours and hours. She was depressed. After I got home she wouldn't leave my side. In just the last few months I have been a little worried about how Harley will do when this baby comes. I honestly am not too worried. Harley loves babies and is super gentle with them. Its when they get a little bigger she doesn't understand they cant play like a big kid and can be a little too rough.
I find it funny that she has been even more clingy lately. I think she knows there is a big change coming. I have been giving her extra attention and she has been soaking it all up.
This girl is the funniest dog ever.
Ryan and I are both a little obsessed.

Nothing like those fur babies. My fur baby knew I was in labor before I realized what was going on. She laid on me and was never further than a step behind me that whole day/night leading up to Erik's birth. Maybe Harley knows something you don't know yet....
Love this post! Harley looks so sweet, I am sure she will be the same with T as she was with Makenzie. :-)
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