How far along? 34 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yup
Best moment this week: Every moment I am able to come home and take off all those uncomfortable clothes and put on sweats. ahhh. best feeling ever... AND my baby shower!
Not so good moment of the week: Feeling uncomfortable this week.
Miss Anything? Sleep.
Movement: He is moving like crazy. All the time. I love it, even when it hurts. He has been having hiccups a ton this week. He usually gets them once a day but this week its usually a couple times a day. That was such a weird feeling because I never felt that with Makenzie.
Food Cravings: Cereal and milk. I could live off just that every day.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I have been feeling off this week. Just feeling nauseous for no reason. Feeling like I am on the verge of puking but haven't yet got that sick.
Gender: Boy
Symptoms: My back has been really sore this week. Energy has started going out the window. My stomach hurts all the time. I have been having a ton of braxton hicks contractions. Horrible headaches. and I haven't been able to sleep. I am exhausted but either cant fall asleep or ill wake up at 2am and cant go back to sleep.
Emotions: I have been okay this week. I am starting to get a little impatient that we still have 5-6+ weeks to go. I am anxious to hold this little boy and I am anxious to not be pregnant anymore.
I have been so much happier when I think of TK. I am so thankful to have him in my life and to be his mom. I cant wait to never let him go.
Looking forward to: another baby shower! This time its Ryan's side of the family. I cant wait. and I cant wait for this time next week because Ryan will be getting home. I cant believe hunting season is already upon us. Heaven help me without him here.
We got a little more done in the room this week. I love it so much. I cant wait to show it off and have everything completely done. It looks really cute and its everything Ryan wanted. I love that its his place and that we are putting so much effort into making it perfect for him.

I CANNOT Wait until you spill the beans on his name! Maybe I'm weird but it is so nail biting! Everytime I read your blog I try and guess his name! LOL maybe one of them is right! haha!
You look A-mazing pregnant! It suits you!!! You are almost there! I read your blog every day even though I don't always comment. Can't wait to see T's room:). Love Julie (Sacramento)
I love your belly! You are looking so small still, but I bet you feel huge. (sorry) I think you look really great! Isn't the baby gymnastics show fun to watch. Well, ok sometimes. I know it can be uncomfortable and it can hurt. But just think of when that little guy will be moving his arms and legs once he is born! Hang in there!
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