Its amazing how much your body changes when you are growing a baby.
I remember thinking how huge I was in those first few pictures. Guess I forgot how much bigger you end up getting. There is always so much pressure put into appearance. You would think during pregnancy there would be some kind of break and you wouldn't stress so much about what you look like, the weight you gain or what you eat but I have to say I have. If anyone else says how big they are or how much they have gained I am always quick to assure them that they look great and that you cant compare yourself to others because every body grows different. Maybe I should listen to my own advice. I see these tiny cute prego girls that look like they stuck a basketball under their shirt and get a little jealous. I see my growing thighs, growing arms, growing face, growing hips and totally get down on myself. I have had many times I hate looking at myself in the mirror. I have been much better this pregnancy than with Makenzie about telling myself its not about what I look like compared to others its about how I take care of myself and this little baby. He is whats important. Making sure I am doing everything I can to keep him healthy and growing. If that means my body takes a nose dive- than so be it. He is totally worth it. Just like Kenzie is. I cried many many days when I would notice a stretch mark. I still hate the sight of them but they are nothing to be ashamed of. They are what come with the blessings. Every pregnancy is different. I have grown so much different with this pregnancy than with Makenzies. I retained a lot more water with her and she gave me my stretch marks. This boy hasn't given me any new stretch marks and I haven't retained water near as bad but my boobs have grown more than I ever thought possible, my back hurts worse than it did with Makenzie and my butt has even gotten bigger which it didn't with Kenzie. Every baby is different, every experience is different and every ending is different. I am thankful my body can do what it needs to do in order to get my children here. I am thankful for those flaws because they remind me of the path we walked to get the joy we now have. I am so close to meeting TK. Its not close enough but its coming soon. I cant wait to see him. I cant wait to kiss him and I cant wait to have all the joy I have been aching to have for years.
37 weeks down... 2-3 weeks to go...
I cant wait for the rest of our lives.
13 weeks
14 Weeks
15 Weeks
16 Weeks
17 Weeks
19 Weeks
22 Weeks
23 Weeks
25 Weeks
26 Weeks
27 Weeks
28 Weeks
29 Weeks
30 Weeks
32 Weeks
34 Weeks
36 Weeks

You are a very pretty woman who is beautifully pregnant, and you'll be back to your slender self when Baby T keeps you on your toes :-)
No worries.
Hang in there, girl. You are so right. Everything it takes to get a baby here is worth it. For me, it was worrying and wondering, no body changes, just my mind changed. What a wonderful day it is when they put that little baby boy in your arms. He will be so loved and appreciated. He is on his way and probably getting good advice from his big sister. He's almost ready to wave goodbye to her and say hello to his parents. All I can think of right now is: JOY!!!
I love you and Ryan and can't wait to see T.
Oh my gosh Kendra. You're the cutest pregnant girl in the world. Can't wait to meet him!
You are precious!!!
You are one of those really gorgeous girls who looks SO skinny at 9 months pregnant! :-) Maybe I will email you a pic of me when I was 5-6 months--that ought to make you feel better! lol
So excited to hear about when you have T!!!
Hi Kendra, I think you look great and it's true what you say the stretch marks and weight gain is definitely worth it for the blessing you get. I'm an angel mum too, we lost our beautiful little boy to the same cruel condition as Mackenzie. I look at my 'pouch' and I would never change it because it is where my little boy grew and spent the 1st 9 months of his little life, safe and protected. Just remember you are beautiful and non of the things you are worrying about will matter when your little bundle of joy arrives. I follow your blog and sent you an email, your story brings me to tears because our experiences are so similar but it also gives me hope. :-) x
Just realised I spelt Makenzie incorrectly in my post, sorry Kendra. X
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