Since this last weekend was the opening of the hunt and Ryan wouldn't be anywhere but in his tree stand up wayy to high for my liking waiting for that perfect buck... I decided to head out of town myself for one last little getaway before this boy makes his appearance.
So the boy and I loaded up the car and took off for Idaho.
The trip was great. Very relaxing and a lot of fun. It was the twins 2nd birthday on Monday so they let me help celebrate a little with gifts, a day at the lake and lots and lots of birthday snuggles.
Misty treated me to my birthday present and took me to get a pedicure. Oh it was heaven.
I didn't take many pictures at all.
I tried to just love on these 3 kids as much as possible.
It all ended far to quickly.
I was happy to be headed home to my Ryan. I always miss him so much.
It was crazy to say goodbye knowing the next time we see them there will be a little baby to add to the mix. Oh the nerves are kicking into high gear.

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