*please note the horrible quality of this picture. we are at the cabin and it was late at night so the only light on was this yellow/orange thing. please also note the giant belly and the completely exhausted dog in the background with her sweatshirt on and snoozing on our pillows*
How far along? 32 Weeks but for the sake of making me feel better because I am so large- remember I am measuring a full 2 weeks ahead so that belly is really a belly of a 34 week prego lady.Maternity clothes? Its funny how one thing will fit one day and when it go to put it on a few days later its too small. I guess I cant complain because I am thankful this boy is growing.
Best moment this week: This has been the best week! What wasn't great about this week? Family in town, party for Makenzie, cabin getaway, Ryans birthday.... Really it was a great week.
Not so good moment of the week: You know all the things that didn't work out or that were not so good moments were nothing compared to the good moments. The only thing I can say that weighed heavy on our hearts this week was just missing our Makenzie so much., there was definitely a lot of tears by me just missing her.
Miss Anything? Being able to eat a semi- normal meal. I get full so fast and then end up hungry again in an hour. and eating all the time with the size of my belly anyway- makes me feel like a cow.
Movement: This week has been amazing. He is moving so much. Ryan and I have spent hours (literally) staring at the belly and video taping him. Its so funny how much my belly is moving. and its not just at night. He is going all the time. Day or night. While I'm up and moving around or sitting down.
Food Cravings: The only thing I honestly cant have enough of is milk. I am going through 2-3 gallons a week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I have been getting hot and feeling light headed quite a bit this week which kind of freaks me out because I feel like I am going to pass out. I sit down and take a break and usually start feeling fine within a few minutes.
Gender: Boy
Symptoms: I get really short of breath when I'm talking. I usually feel fine in the breathing department the rest of the day. I have been having bad reflux and heartburn on a daily basis and my back is starting to ache again.
Emotions: This week has kind of been up and down but definitely a lot more ups. I think the roller coaster is to be expected this last week and I honestly was surprised how there really were not as many lows as I thought there would be. I am thankful I had family around to keep me up and I got to spend a long weekend with Ryan which always helps.
Looking forward to: More just getting this week over with. We are crazy busy and its one of those weeks we wont see each other but a good thing to look forward to--- Doctors appointment.
I cant believe July is almost over. We only have 1 full month left before this little boy makes his arrival. I feel like there is still so much to do and I am not prepared what so ever. My energy comes and goes. Some days ill feel like I can do anything and everything and never need to stop but other days I cant get out of bed. Its unpredictable and annoying. Those cant get out of bed days are usually days I HAVE to because I have work or something.
Thursday will mark 50 days until due date. We will see if he makes it to September 16th. I just have a feeling he will come sooner. but if I do make it to my due date and he is still measuring like he is- ill have myself a chubby buddy- and I cant wait to kiss that face.

Hi Kendra! When I was pregnant with my daughter, I would get that light headed feeling too. I was a cashier at a grocery store during my entire pregnancy. One day I was doing my job, then I felt lightheaded, had a hot flash and a cold flash. It was really odd. I told them I had to go sit down for a few minutes. I was fine after sitting, but it happened again after hopping back onto my cash register. I asked to call my doctor for advice but of course, this particular company (they only have this supermarket in the South) was anal about it and said no I couldn't because we were busy or something. I asked the OB at my next appointment and I'm PRETTY SURE he/she said just to take it easy, and take breaks as needed. But don't take my word for it, as this was about 3 years ago so I don't remember. I just remember it was a yucky feeling and it really scared me :-(
Kendra, you look great! I cannot wait to hear more updates about how you are feeling and growing that baby boy! :-) Make sure you get some rest and stay hydrated!
There was another BLM blog I read and she called her son who passed TK also (I wish you'd tell us what it stands for!) So I always think of her when you talk about TK. I think her sons name was Tristan Kole.
You honestly are all belly. You look great! I can't wait for his big debut and pictures. I don't even know you personally and I am beyond excited for you and I keep you and your family in my prayers.
I agree with Ryan, it is the perfect name for him! I am only his aunt an all but seriously, there is going to be a lot of people that will have to get used to calling him something else if you change it now :) I thought it was so cute hearing all the little kids call him TKW at Kenzie's birthday party!!!
Love ya! BTW you are not huge!!! you are perfect and your belly is adorable. ~A
I am so excited for you to have this little man. I just had my son in Feb and he has been so much fun. He was so chubby and has maintained a his roles like champ. He looks just like his dad and every time I look at him he melts me like butter!! I have a daughter who is 5 I love and adore her she is my mini but there is something about having the love of my life (my husband) mini that brings a constant smile to my face.
You are going to have so much fun with him. The way you are so in love with Ryan it will be the same for you.
I also can not wait to hear the name I have my own guess but we will see!!!
I am so excited for you to have this little man. I just had my son in Feb and he has been so much fun. He was so chubby and has maintained a his roles like champ. He looks just like his dad and every time I look at him he melts me like butter!! I have a daughter who is 5 I love and adore her she is my mini but there is something about having the love of my life (my husband) mini that brings a constant smile to my face.
You are going to have so much fun with him. The way you are so in love with Ryan it will be the same for you.
I also can not wait to hear the name I have my own guess but we will see!!!
You are looking great and not huge :). I love, love his name!! You are so close I cant wait to see him!!
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