July 14th was Ryker's 3rd birthday.
We all wish he was here instead of partying it up in heaven.
I wish I would have known him.
Thankfully I do know his family.
and we simply adore them.
The Allen fam. decided to come celebrate Rykers birthday here in Utah.
We couldn't have been more excited.
No one understands these times of year like someone who is going through it as well.
You can read more about this incredible little man and his family HERE.
Mike and Misty + kids came Thursday.
We enjoyed some Chinese and late night chit chats.
Friday we were up and ready for a full day at the zoo.
The last time we went was last year and the babies were not as into it as this year.
They were amazed the entire time.
Pointing, saying "oooooh" and laughing hysterically at anything and everything.
Friday evening the guys took over kid duty and the girls went out for some shopping, frozen yogurt and birthday pedicures. (Misty's bday is the 17th)
We came home to rain and couldn't resist letting everyone play in it.
It was definitely every kids (and Ryan's) dream come true.
Saturday was Rykers birthday and we planned a day at Cowabunga Bay water park.
The sky didn't look promising and we were worried we would freeze the entire time but lucky for us the water was warm and we were there long enough for everyone to swim to their hearts content and be completely exhausted. The park ended up closing due to sever storms only about an hour before we planned leaving so we were happy we got so much time in before we headed home.
Keelie wanted a little friend more her age to play with so I drug my niece Olivia along.
Those girls became fast friends and enjoyed the water and candy.
After our swim we headed home to celebrate a beautiful life with a pirate themed party.
The rain cleared up and we headed outside to do some serious chalk art.
There is never a dull moment with Ryan around who decided all the kids needed war paint on their faces and covered them each with bright colors. They thought it was pretty fun.
and its no birthday without balloons, cake and lanterns.
We are so thankful to have this family in our lives. I am so thankful my Makenzie has a friend in heaven to keep her company. We are definitely in a unique situation and I am so thankful for friends who we can relate to on such a different level. They sure help some of those hard days feel a little easier knowing you are not the only one to feel a certain way. I hope Ryker could feel the mass amount of love his family has for him. They miss him terribly and he will always be apart of our lives. I hope he had a wonderful birthday. Love that little man.

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