Really it never gets easier to plan a birthday party for your daughter who is in heaven.
I had a lot of different ideas of what I wanted to do this year and have been trying to plan it for months.
As the day got closer more and more has come up in life and the big party I wanted to plan was seeming to not be possible. I decided to scale it down and just have something simple and fun and focus on just having our family there and make it something Makenzie would enjoy.
I have been loving the color yellow lately and wanted to run with that.
I thought a picnic would be fun and went off that.
I came up with a Nacho Bar for dinner and a Popcorn Bar for dessert.
We had tons of balloons.
There was a pinata, chalk, bubbles, silly string and lots of treats to keep everyone entertained.
We had blankets and pillows.
The weather was perfect.
There was tons of room for the kids to run and run.
Ill break up the posts into a couple so its not party overload.
First up... Decor...
I had visions of how to decorate but with my 4 adorable nieces staying with us they couldn't NOT help. So I let go and put them in charge of the decor. They strung the crate paper and balloons and string and ribbon and banners and pin wheels throughout the yard in with no rhyme or rhythm.
and it turned out perfect. I'm so glad they did it because I know Makenzie loved their version better than any - has to be this way or no way- way that I would have done on my own.
Drinks: Lemonade and Water
Popcorn Bar: Regular popcorn- Seasonings and different candy toppings to throw in a bag.
Jello popcorn- Strawberry and Pineapple flavors.
Nacho Bar: Regular or Nacho cheese chips with endless toppings.
Only direction was to make it BIG and eat a lot.
Lemon or Fudge cupcakes with the yummiest homemade butter cream frosting. I did some serious research to make the best cupcakes. They were important! This was another thing I gave up my anal expectations and let me nieces and sister take over the decorating. I am again so glad I did.
They did amazing.
Chocolate covered oreos and mallos.
Seriously I couldn't have decorated the yard as good as those girls. I love it.

What a beautiful, bright party!!!
Everything turned out beautiful just like Makenzie!!!
i have never thought of doing a nacho bar. what a fun thing to do. it looks like your party was a lot of fun.
I love love love the yellow! It just looks so perfect and bright! So glad to see you had a great time celebrating Makenzie!
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