Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Getting Pregnant - Update

Okay so like I mentioned I went to my OB's office last Thursday to get my blood drawn to test my progesterone levels. I started testing right on day 9 and continued to test everyday until just a couple days ago. Every single test was a big fat negative.  So we were initially thinking I didn't ovulate. Well, got the results back yesterday and everything looked good.
So I did ovulate last month and missed it.
I have now immediately gone out to buy more digital tests. I should have done that from the beginning.  I talked to my doctor and we tried to figure out around what day I should pay closest attention.  He then told me to start testing mid-day instead of first thing in the morning. Okay so we start again.
Ms Flo has come so we are just counting down to day 9 to begin testing again.
I have a much better feeling about this month for some reason. I have no idea why. I'm not expecting anything but I guess I just have a bit more hope.


Katie said...

Hi, I know you don't know me, and you're not asking for advice so I'm sorry if I'm butting my nose where I shouldn't. But do you have the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility? I found charting my temperatures to be oodles more revealing than opk's. I've found opk's to be very very vague and hard to read. I credit the charting method with my last 5 pregnancies, no question! That book is my fertility bible and I've lent my copy to dozens of friends.
I read your blog from time to time and I want you to know how much respect and admiration I have for you and your ability to hold your head up and go on after such an unimaginable loss.

D'Neill said...

Hi Kendra, you don't know me, but I love reading your blog. I just wanted to tell you this when I read you were going to have to go buy more digital tests (expensive!) - when I was trying to get pregnant I ordered ovulation test strips from earlypregnancytests.com. They are just little strips like the ones the doctor uses, and you can get packs of ovulation strips/pregnancy tests strips for pretty cheap. I'm not sure if your doctor wants you to use certain ones, but I wanted to pass on the info. Good luck, we're all pulling for you!

brigette said...

Fingers crossed!! Praying for that baby to be sent your way. You guys so deserve this!!

Rosalie said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Much love!

Ashley said...

Keep you head up! God will reveal his plan with time. Thank you so much for sharing your story and Makenzie with us. I truely enjoy and appreciate how you write with such raw emotion. Don't pay any attention to the judgmental idiots out there.


Anonymous said...

Praying for you that it happens this month!!!! Happy Thanksgiving.

Chris, Molly, and Baby said...

Hi Kendra
My 2nd daughter, June, died of sma 2 years ago and I've been following your story. The reason I'm responding now is because we conceived our first daughter, Virginia, via IUI. I just wanted to share how our IUI's went (with my husbands sperm) so you might talk to you doctor about monitoring you more in order to not miss your ovulation. I was taking clomid and starting on day 12 (after having day 3 bloodwork and day 21 bloodwork) I went to the doctor (I was seeing a reproductive endocrinologist)for an u/s. I went in (if I remember right) each day or every other day for them to monitor the size of my follicles. Theoretically each follicle contains an egg and "mature eggs" are in follicles that measure I certain size. So he would do an u/s to watch the size and number of follicles b/c with clomid too many follicles could result in multiples and when the follicles reached a certain size he would give me a trigger shot of hcg that would trigger ovulation and we would do the IUI 24-36 hours later. To me it took the guess work out of using over the counter ovulation kits and the dr. knew exactly what was going on. I don't know if insurance would cover the extra monitoring or trigger shot but if it does it might be something to talk about with your doctor. I was so stressed with trying to get pregnant that the extra monitoring eased my mind. Anyway, I just wanted to put this out there and it may be that you've already talked to your dr. about this. Your daughter is beautiful and I'm so sorry that any of us have to go through this. We have 5 frozen embryo's (sma carriers) waiting on us. Praying for you every day.

Meghan said...

You don't know me, but I have to tell you how much you have influenced me. I came across your blog, just "blog surfing". You inspire me. What a horrible experience you have endured, but let me tell you how amazing you are. I got sucked into your blog about a month ago. I started at the first post, and then had to start from the beginning. I read from day one, and laughed, cried, prayed and hoped along with you. You have taught me, to snuggle my sweet babies longer, leave their hand prints on the walls longer, let them stay up with me a few minutes longer, and take more pictures than I could ever imagine. I have learned so much from your story, on how to be a better mother and wife. I love reading your words of inspiration often. I love your honesty. I'm sorry people are rude to you. What a tradgic decision to make on behalf of your sweet daughter. Words cannot express how amazing you are. I want you to know that. I want you to know, I pray for you and your family daily. Please keep writting this blog. I love it. I pray you get blessed with another sweet baby soon. Thanks for being such an inspiration to me, and many others.

mrslill said...

Hi Kendra! I just wanted to say in addition to your test pay attention to your discharge "down there" when you ovulate it's more sticky. I know that's gross but we where trying to conceive a boy so I read all the ways to get a boy. Anyway I took my temp every day before I got out of bed ( when you ovulate your temp goes up) I also watched my discharge. I ended up getting sick and getting fever close to my ovulation so I bought some sticks they never told me I ovulated either but I new because of my discharge. :)

gusfamilyblog said...

I have been following your blog for a while and havent left a comment. I wanted to give you some advise...when you take those ovulation tests try testing 2 times a day mid morning and late afternoon. Sometimes your LH surge is so short that you might miss it. Also start testing right after aunt flo goes away. One time I ovulated on day 7. I had a hard time getting pregnant so thats what my ob told me to do. Just some advise. Good luck. You are in my prayers. If you have any questions about all of this I did Clomid too so I have alot of info on it. You can email me. Gus33829@comcast.net my name is Misty

Jordan Kelsey said...

I'm not sure if this helps or if you are already doing it, but I was taking the ovulation tests twice a day, mid morning and again in the evening just to make sure I wouldn't miss it if it was happening. The one and only time I did get a positive I had had a negative that morning and a positive in the evening. I hope that helps you! I know how expensive it is. Best of luck to you this month!

Robin said...

We tried for a while for Morgan too. We lost our first miracle together pretty early on. It was obviously very upsetting. I didn't understand. Why did we lose this baby we wanted so much?! Why was it taking so long to get pregnant again? (it really didn't take all that long, but when you're trying, it seems like forever!) I didn't understand until we had our Morgan. God knew her birthday before either me or her dad were even born. The same goes for your little one. That baby is not meant to be here until a certain day. It will happen for you guys Kendra! I'm praying it is sooner than later, but it will happen! Praying for you both and sending baby dust your way!

Anonymous said...

Keeping you in our prayers! I hope this next month works for you!

Ryan.Kendra.Makenzie.Tracker said...

Thank you guys for the awesome advice!!!
I was using those cheap strips and call me blonde but seriously had the hardest time reading them. I would stare at those lines for what felt like hours. I couldn’t freaking tell! So I finally got digital test that are a very clear smiley face or no face at all. They are much easier to read so I hope I don’t miss it this month. I am definitely going to get that book and start testing my temp. Thank you all sooo much for your amazing support and prayers. You have no idea how much that means to us!

Toni ~ Mom to 8 heavenly Angels and 1 earthly Angel. said...

Sending lots of Baby Dust Vibes for this month. Everything is crossed for you!

Michele White said...

I've been a nurse for 18 yrs and studied up on ovulating, some of us ovulate just after our periods and others just prior instead of the normal 2 weeks after the first day. With two of mt boys I was just after like 2 days after the last day of my period, and I told my sister in law about it when she had been trying for a while and she found out she ovulated just prior and got pregnant right off when they tried in the two weeks just before her period. Hope this helps.-Michele White


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