November 11
63 days old
.Sad day
.Mom sick
.Baby sick
.Baby cried
.No naps
.Brought out toys to start playing with
.Aunt Jill came to visit
.Took a steam shower
.Cried together
November 12
64 days old
.Still not feeling great
.Got Tracker to fall asleep by vacuuming
.Played with toys on the floor
.Sucked on this toy ring for a while
November 13
65 days old
.Stayed in bed a while
.Watched the sun come up
.Had a very important appointment
.Went downtown to pick up a copy of babes birth certificate
.Lunch with Grandma
.Had a full blow out at lunch
.We ate in my car because we didn't have a lot of time and I was feeding Tracker in the back. He had a big poo. I look down and see its all over his clothes. His cute clothes. I am needing to get going so I strip him down and start wet whipping him off. He seems to be done so I start to do the diaper switch and he starts pooping again. Of course the diaper fell. I couldn't grab it. So I do what anyone would do... I tried to catch the poo with one hand while trying to keep my crying baby still on my lap. My mom is trying to help but we are in a tiny car. There is zero space. I get it cleaned up. New clothes on. Sit him up and he pukes chunks everywhere. I used just about a whole pack cleaning up me and the car
.Went to Primary Children's to meet with Dr. Swoboda
.Had lots of tests done
.Met with a physical therapist
.Lots more tests
.Did amazing
.Went to see Lisa
.Came home and smiled at Dad for days
November 14
66 days old
.Spent the morning doing the hokey pokey
.Smiled and giggled like crazy
.Grabbing his toys
.Took a nap in his swing
.Took a nap in his crib
.Visit from Grandma and Papa
November 15
67 days old
.First time trying a Windi and I am a believer
.Put up some Christmas decor
.Drooling more and more
.Tracker has sweaty/clammy feet and hands like his Mum and is Aunt Donette
November 16
68 days old
.Day started at 4:30am when bebe wouldn't go back to sleep
.Kicking his legs all the time
.Laughs when I nibble on his toes
.Smiles all the time
.Smiles the biggest when he has a blow out
.Farts like an adult
.Hung out with Mum and Daddy on our anniversary
.Ran errands
.Helped make dinner
.Sat by the fire
November 17
69 days old
.Focusing on people further away
.Teagan and Devlin comes to stay with us
.Visited Makenzie
.Went to the Utah tailgate
.Froze our butts off
.Tracker stayed snuggled in a blanket

Just curious...why tests with Dr. Swoboda? Are you concerned about SMARD?
I love your round up of each week, what a good way to save every memory.
Oh how I wish I could hold this little cutie in my arms. He is soooooo sweet.
Valérie (from france)
Oh my gosh, he is SOOOO cute!!! Love all of the pics!
Just too much cuteness!!!
I love this last picture. So cute!!
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