Never ever would I have thought I could love like this again.
Never ever could I have imagined you would make me smile and laugh and enjoy life again.
The day I walked out of that hospital without my baby girl- I never could imagine surviving
but here I am living. breathing. dreaming. planning.
Oh my love I hope you can one day get a glimpse as to what you have done to your Mama.
I pray you realize how incredible you are and what a beautiful soul you have.
I adore every inch of you.
I am stopping more.
I am listening.
I am soaking up every second you are giving me.
The hard moments and the most amazing moments.
I know this is all going to go way to fast. It already has. and I cant control what could happen in life.
I want to freeze it all. I want to hold onto those moments when its just us.
When you need me.
When I need you.
When we both just pause and be here.
You are much better at being in the moment obviously.
so thank you for teaching me how to do it better.
I get worried that I am not doing all the "right" things for you. Already I worry if Im screwing you up.
I guess I am just worried. I want to do a good job. I want to make you and your sister proud.
I have so much love to give. I have enough love for 2 babies but I can only give my physical love to you. You sisters will have to wait. So you get it extra. You get double the worry. Double the love.
Track Attack you are my everything.
You take my breath away.
Thank you for being mine.

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