I wanted to post a few pictures from the past few weekends... My camera was MIA for a while but now that it safe and sound I got my pics loaded up and ready to show and tell- This first set is my most exciting camping/hunting trip to Flaming Gorge... Again can I just say it was beautiful. Although I keep begging my husband to move out of Utah just so we can experience different cultures and I really want to go to school in either another state or even another country. Unfortunately my Ryan LoVES Utah. It has everything that he loves and more. He is all out doors man and couldn't imagine living any place that he cant go outside and see his mountains. He sure loves to travel with me and I think a few more trips he might be more keen to the idea of just experiencing a different life for a bit. I love Utah though and will continue to bask in its beauty while here.

While searching the mountain at 5 in the morning is the best time in Ryans life,
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