Bon Voyage 2012
Welcome 2013
What a beautiful year 2012 was for the Websters.
12. Lucky #3 vial worked and we got the great news we had been waiting for on Jan 8th. POSITIVE.
11. Ryan worked his butt off at Pacific and just continued to impress them.
10. Kendra grew a massive hump aka: baby boys 9 month home
9. Spent much of our time with our amazing friends and family
8. Makenzie turned 3
7. Ryan went on the hunt
6. Kendra decorated a nursery
5. Tracker Kent was born
4. Tracker smiled for the first time
3. Tracker laughed for the first time
2. Spent the majority of our days holding Tracker
1. We made it through one more year without our little girl.
I guess the majority of our year was spent focused on ... TRACKER ...
He was definitely the highlight of our year and I'm sure the rest of our lives.
So thankful for everything he has given us and so looking forward to everything that is to come.
After one of the worst years in 2011 for various reasons it was so nice to have a fresh breath in 2012.
I was lucky enough to find a couple jobs to keep me busy until Tracker arrived and now I'm lucky to work from home so I can be with him at all times.
2012 brought 6 years of marriage. I cant believe how lucky I am to have this man by my side for 6 years. That he has stuck with me and pulls me through the roughest patches we have faced. I am honored he continues to choose me. I am thankful for how hard he works. I am overwhelmed with love for Ryan. He is my best friend. He is my everything. I am looking forward to a new year of adventures with him.
2012 was definitely good to us.
I am continually reminded how blessed we are.
I am looking forward to 2013.
I can already tell this year is going to be full of excitement, happiness and adventure.
I always make a few resolutions at the beginning of the year but I am constantly changing it, adding to my list and checking things off through the year.
So the first 13 I have compiled are...
1. Read more books (at least FINISH 6)
2. Be in the moment
3. Get in better health physically (I have already signed up for 2 5k's)
4. Keep up on Trackers weekly roundup
5. Go on a FEW dates alone with Ryan
6. Cook healthier meals
7. Teach Tracker to crawl, walk and say MUM
8. Go with the flow and stop needing to control EVERY situation
9. Worry less what others think
10. Laugh more
11. Go on more family outings (hiking, camping, boating are MUSTs this year)
12. Write more letters (seriously I love getting mail, who doesn't)
13. Make sure my boys KNOW they are the most important men in my lives and continue to live each day making them happier and feeling more loved.
Anxious for all that is to come this year.

I am just curious as to what you do for a job at home and how you came about doing it? My husband works two jobs and most likely will be picking up a third. When you work in the fire EMS you usually work at least two. I would love to help provide financially, but with limited time since he is so busy I need to find something flexible or something I can do from home.
I was wondering the same thing Trinity was (I hope that is not too nosey). I would just love to be able to help out a little too and I didn't know if it was something new you found or if it was a job you already had and they let you do it from home after you had Tracker. I totally understand if you don't want to answer and I'm sorry if you think I'm being nosey, I'm honestly just interested and thought I would ask.
Hey Ladies...
So I do a couple things from home. I do booking and kind of relationship care for this company that does motivational speaking and trainings.
The other thing I do is work with Primerica. Both of which I pretty much do all from home. I have to work some evenings with Primerica but not many. If you would like more information let me know I would love to share :)
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