month Tracker:
Weight- 13.5lbs
Height- 23.5
Clothes- Has
grown out of some 0/3 month clothes and is starting to fit into 3/6 month
but the majority of what he wears is 0/3 month.
Diaper- Size
1 or 1/2 from costco
Other than a night here or
there Tracker is really getting into nighttime routine.
He gets a bath every other
night. Then its lotion, jammies, food and a story.
He is out usually between
9-10pm. I try to make sure he is still awake when I lay him down and he usually
is. He lays there for a bit and then drifts off to sleep. He is never fussy
when I put him in there at night. He sleeps until sometime between 3-4am. Eats.
Then is back to sleep until 6-7am where is eats again. Some days he will go
back to sleep but he usually is up for the day around that time.
This babe is still a very
good eater. It’s been a couple weeks I have gone off dairy to help his tummy
issues. For the most part I have no dairy but its sooo hard to cut it out
completely. I will be eating something and not even realize there is dairy in
it (i.e.: bread)
He seems to be doing a
little better in the fussy/screaming department. He still has his moments but
its not every single night like it was. I am not sure if it’s because of the
dairy or he is starting to grow out of it. Ah it’s all so hard to figure out.
anyway. He is still eating pretty much every 3 hours but I have been much
more relaxed on this. If he is hungry before that 3 hour mark. Ill feed him. If
he doesn’t seem super hungry at that 3 hour mark ill wait. but for the most
part it’s about every 3 hours in the morning and starting around 2-3 he is much
hungrier so he eats closer to every 2 hours the rest of the evening.
He still gets 1-2 formula
bottles a day and he gets them when he wants them. Its kind of funny because he
tells me when. He won’t nurse. He pulls away and screams. I try and try and he
keeps doing that. I make a bottle and he downs it in a few seconds. Then he is
fine to nurse the next feeding. It’s strange but it’s working for us. If he
will nurse every feeding we will do that instead so there have been a few days
we have cut out bottles completely but for the most part he is drinking 4-6oz
bottles 1-2 times a day. His formula is soy as well.
Bath time, sitting up on
my shoulder, being bounced, having his back or butt tapped, being tickled, when
we laugh with him, playing patty cake, being sung to, getting his diaper
changed, kicking his legs and swinging his arms, watching harley, looking at
the tree, talking, watching mickey mouse, watching football, when his daddy
talks to him, swatting at toys in front of him, his binky, being burped,
getting kisses from his mum.
Being alone, when you put
him down, loud noises, when harley barks, when he is in his car seat, when its
to cold, when his formula bottles are not warm enough, if he cant eat fast
enough, if he is not near his Mum, when he gets passed around to much, tummy
He loves having his
swaddle blankets close to his face. He rubs his face back and forth into it
when he is especially sleepy.
When he is sleepy he is
also starting to rub his eyes. It’s the cutest thing but sometimes he is a bit
He sleeps with his arms up
over his head still. He is flat on his back and hardly moves all night.
He smiles all the time and
talks even more. It’s the cutest thing ever. He will talk back when you ask him
questions and makes the best coo sounds.
His tongue is always
moving. He sticks it out, lets it hang out and tries to grab it.
He likes when his Dad growls
at him. He thinks it’s hilarious.
He has laughed several
He follows me like a hawk.
He doesn’t like to lose sight of me.
He is definitely a mum's
boy right now.
He likes to look at his
Dads Deer and pet it. Ryan is all about exposing him to his future starting
He is a great pooper.
Usually having a blow out or 2 every day with lots of other messes in between.
We are still trying to
figure out what’s going on with this kid. The whole colic thing that was supposed
to be gone by 3 months is still around. Which makes me wonder if it’s something
else. Gas drops, colic calm, reflux meds, no dairy and soy formula and he is
still pretty much the same. I am consistently trying to rack my brain and books
to figure out what I can do to help him. His screams sound like he is in pain
and he does it more when he is farting which makes me think its tummy issues
but what else can I do to help his tummy?
He got his first cold
days before his 3 month bday. Pictures and celebrating were put on hold for
a few days.
He is obsessed with his
baths. He loves kicking his legs and waving his arms.
We are falling more and more in love with this little boy. Everyday I thank God about a million times for putting him in my life. He is my world.

He is so handsome! And his tummy issues sound exactly like Jack. We finally just had the doctor do a stool sample and we found out he was positive for c diff, which causes lots of messy diapers and tummy aches. Might be worth looking into!
He is a little cutie!
He is just the Cutest Kendra! I love all the pictures and I can totally see McKenzie in the photo of him with his mouth open.
I would recommend giving him baby probiotics to help his tummy! My little guy is 4 months old and putting him on probiotics helped his tummy SO much! We get them at walgreens, but you could probably find them other places or online. Just make sure they are the baby version. The difference has been amazing, we also tried gas drops and gripe water to no avail. The probiotics aren't cheap but definitely worth it!
Kendra....he is just so adorable. I love the chubby legs. The pictures of him with his eyes shut (Harley is next to him) and the one with his hand up to his face are so darling. Well, they are all so cute. I love him!!
Too too precious!!! Love the pics of him getting ready to blow kisses and the one of his big open mouth grin!!
Kendra- He is stinking cute!!!
I love all of the pictures you post
Hi Kendra! Gosh is he cute!!! He is acting a lot like my 5 month old was. We nurse/pump too so I was advised to start taking probiotics. Its great for my tummy issues and has helped Grayson tons too! You might want to try taking probiotics. It looks like you've tried everything else, much of what I tried too. Hope you figure it out, and I am sure you will. :)
He is such a cutie!! Love his little rolls on his legs.
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