December 16
98 days old
.Played with toys all day
.Loves his book with a handle on the end
.Grandma came over for dinner
December 17
99 days old
.Went with Mum to a work meeting
.Still not feeling to good
.Made neighbor treats
December 18
100 days old
.Still sick
.Snuggled most of the day
.Saw our friend Lisa
.Dad let him lick his sucker and he loved it
December 19
101 days old
.Napping in the mamaroo that's in his bedroom instead of the swing in the front room
.Pulled lots of sad faces
.Played in his bumbo
.Wanted to snuggle Mum most of the day
December 20
102 days old
.Slept in late
.Went to lunch with our friends
.Watched his buddy Jaxon from across the table
.Walked around the mall
December 21
103 days old
.Visited Aunt Kristianne and cousin Olivia
.Drove to Midway for a weekend getaway with Dads family
.First time swimming
.Loved the warm water
.Sat by the fire
.Laughed at cousins
.Went to bed late
December 22
104 days old
.Went to Park City
.Sat by the fire
.Went swimming again
.Saw horses
.Went on a walk
.Visited his Aunt Donettes grave
.While holding his toy he brought it up to his mouth and sucked on it for the first time

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