We got together to finish sewing the leggings and put them all into their bags the week before we took them to Primary's. Its such a great evening to share with some of the ones I love most. Doing something that reminds us all so much of our Makenzie and knowing they are each going to a very deserving child. My heart was bursting the entire night. I had a goal of how many leggings I wanted to collect this year but realized the amount didn't matter as much as how many amazing people went out of their way and donated to this project. I have been receiving donations all year long. I am constantly amazed at the generosity of so many of you out there.
Thank You!!
Thank You!!!
Thank You!
Thank you for those that sent 1 pair and those that sent 100 pairs.
What I don't think some people realize is 1 pair will warm the legs of 1 child. That's makes a huge difference. 1 child will get that 1 pair and you can say you were responsible for that.
Its such an amazing feeling.
Thank you again for every donation. Thank you for purchasing cookbooks.
Thank you for sending well wishes.
Thank you for spreading the word.

969 pairs were collected this year!
A big THANK YOU to BABYLEGS and MY LITTLE LEGS for your amazing donations.
Thank you to my sweet sisters, niece, brother, friend, husband, aunt and Mom who came to help package everyone of these. It was a long night and they didn't leave until it was all done.
Thank you again. From the bottom of my heart.
p.s. If you are interested in donating next year BABYLEGS has an awesome sale going on right now. 75% off. You can snag a few pairs for yourself and for Kenzie's Leggings Project 2013.

My sweet "Little" 6 month old (he has achondroplasia, the most common form of dwarfism...hence the "Little" term), was up at Primary Children's last Monday, 12/10/12 for sub-occipital decompression surgery. The whole time we were up there, I thought of you. I don't know you personally, but I feel like I know you through your blog. You are an amazing person! Your strength, faith and will inspires me so much! :) Hope you have a WONDERFUL Christmas with your ADORABLE new addition!
It definitely was fun and a privilege to help out. I am amazed all over again with the generosity of those two companies, friends and family who participate. It will make a lot of little kids warm and comforted at PCMC. Finally, it just makes me smile to think of how your little girl, your Kenzie, inspires so many of us to honor her in this way. Kendra, she is one special girl who will always have a place in my heart. I love you guys. Aunt Mary
What an amazing turn out. I too am privledged to have been a part of such a great cause in honor of such a sweet girl, Kenzie. Thank you for allowing others to join i the gift of service. You are incredible. Have a very Merry Christmas!
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