November 25
77 days old
.Say goodbye to the Allens
.Dinner with Grandma and Papa
.Tried his jumperoo and he was not the biggest fan- maybe in another couple weeks/months
.Tummy was upset
November 26
78 days old
.Put up the Christmas tree
.Not many smiles today
.Went for a drive
November 27
79 days old
.Has been waking up 2-3 times a night when he was just waking up once
.Likes sucking on his blanket
.Snuggled under the Christmas tree
November 28
80 days old
.Visited Aunt Alana
.Fall walk
.Not into napping this week
.Nursing a bit better since going off dairy
.Only supplementing 1 bottle a day
November 29
81 days old
.Night out with Grandma and Aunt Jill
.Festival of trees
.Cried the majority of the time there
.Met a blog friend Tina and her family
.When I was singing to him he spit out his binky and started singing back
November 30
82 days old
.Talked about sweet Ryker all day
.First time meeting Santa
.Ran into some old friends
.Dinner out with the Anderson's
.Sent lanterns to Ryker for his angel day

December 1
83 days old
.Went to cousin Kians baptism
. Gallegos family Christmas party
. Got to meet his Great Aunt Mona and lots of other cousins
. Dinner with our friends
. Tracker got to play with is little friend Jaxson
How has it been 12 weeks since he was born?

He is one of the cutest little boys I have ever seen! Hope his tummy troubles get figured out.
This cutie is a hoot.
Why do I live thousands miles away ?
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