My Mom had her annual Halloween party at her house last night. All the kids came and were so excited to play her games and eat her creepy food! As they are all getting older Grandma really needs to step up her game and get some "more challenging" activities for some of them like Tyler :) He is such a great sport and plays amazing with all the other kids. Here is what they dressed as:

Aidan- Care Bear
Anna- Princess

Ellie- Witch

Olivia- In this pic a Dancer but she is really Super Girl

Kian- Wouldn't sit still with his
costume on but he is a Monkey

Amalie- Again wouldn't put her whole costume on
but she is a white cat
What adorable kids. I think my fave would have to be faceless man, lol! But they all look cute. That little girl's face in the last photo is just precious :)
what a cute array of little ones and costumes! :) love it!
Cute pictures! I'm happy I can come to your blog again, for a few months it said your blog was deleted whenever I tried to come. I thought maybe you decided to take your blog off, I'm glad you didn't. I'll make sure my link on my blog to yours is right.
Kendra! I'm so happy to have found your blog. It is adorable, as all of your cute family members and you are! So glad that I can keep up with your fun life on here! I hope life is good? What are you up to?
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