The first picture of the little bean.
I might be biased but he is the cutest most precious thing ever.
I honestly dont know what is better than hearing your childs heart beat for the first time.
Seeing life.
A life you created.
A very surreal, beautiful moment.
Seeing that little heart beating away.
Hearing the most amazing sound one could imagine.
Next to seeing that baby for the first time. Its definitely put on the books as one of the most incredible experiences you will ever have in life. especially when you know this little life. Is currently spending their days with the other half of your heart. Knowing my Makenzie knows her little brother or sister. Knowing she is with them. Knowing she will forever watch over them. Is the greatest blessing I could imagine right now.
He is doing fabulous. Measuring smaller than what they thought so we have a new due date.
September 22, 2012
I would have loved that date to get closer not farther but I'm definitely NOT complaining.
So technically I am not 7 weeks yet. Ill be 7 weeks Saturday.
...This is seriously taking forever...
Son of a gun. I'm trying to be patient but man alive I am just too damn excited.
Ryan wasn't able to make it to my apt. so I recorded the heartbeat. I cant stop listening to it.
Can anyone guess what my new ring tone is?
That's right... A whole lot of swoosh... swoosh... swooshing sounds. oh I love it.
--- and by the way I have no idea if this child is a boy or girl but I hate calling it an IT. So I'm going with my first instinct and calling it a boy. If he turns out to be a girl-- Ill gladly go back and change all those HE'S to SHE'S. No matter what they are I love them more than a million billion skittles already.

Congrats!!! I agree seeing that heart beat is fantastic. I'm so happy for you.
That is so exciting!! :) you should do the wedding band and thread over your tummy to see what it does! Circle means girl and line means boy! :)
Just beautiful! I can't wait to see your little jelly bean get bigger and bigger. Enjoy each and every moment; it'll be September before you know it. =)
You are so stinkin' cute! You deserve this more then anyone I know!
I've never commented before but i've been following your blog for quite some time. You are such a strong woman - you and Ryann deversve so much after the hard road you've been on for so long.
What an awesome feeling this must be for you and Ryan. I can't wait to watch you and this baby grow - I'm sure Makenzie is so happy to be a big sister! What a great blessing this is for you and your family!
Kendra - You don't me, but I found your blog through another friend's blog and I've been following your journey for a while now. I have been praying all day that you would have good news, and I was so nervous FOR YOU all day long! ( I live overseas, in Europe, so know that prayers are coming from all over the world!) I was so glad to see your post! May God bless you and Ryan and this precious, lucky baby. Michelle
Dont worry it may be your ringtone. but that picture is my wallpaper on my phone! :) love you Kendra! Favorite Aunt Jill excited for you!!!! And yes, I am right there with you! Nothing more exciting than seeing that little life moving around and that heart beating on that monitor! Don't you just wish you could sit and watch it all day??? :) Congrats! And yeah, being patient is the HARDEST part for sure! :)
I LOVE that your ringtone is baby's heartbeat! So precious! So so happy for you Ryan and Makenzie!
So so so happy for you :+)
You're right, that bean is beautiful! I am so happy for you! Praying for you always!
Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you guys. That definitely is one of the most precious sounds ever.
I am so happy for you. What a beautiful moment...hearing that heart beat for the first time. All the blessings to you and your family.
beautiful lil bean.. hes goin to be soo loved by so many
ok, so i have never posted, but man alive, i am sooooooo happy and excited for you guys!! this little one is going to be so loved. and i cant wait to keep hearing and seeing his/her updates!! you should think about doing a birth story through pictures. that is an awesome thing to look back on. good luck, your in our prayers :)
I'm so thrilled for you, what an amazing sound and sight. ((hugs)) and Congrats again and again and again.
Congrats!!! This is so exciting!! Praying for you guys that all goes super easy. I know mckenzie and gracie are watching over all of you right now!! Hugs
That is the best sound to hear. I love hearing that. We are even closer in our pregnancies now. Good luck and again I'm so happy for you and Ryan. Best of luck!
Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep growing little jumping bean. Excited for "him" to get here. Tickled blue (or pink) for his parents. Thrilled for his grandparents. For me ......... Can't wait to see him/her and you and Ryan holding him. That will bring me JOY. Love you guys.
I have followed your blog for some time, not sure I have ever commented before. I am amazed at your strength and outlook. This lil' peanut is so blessed to have you and Ryan as parents and even more so to have a sister like Makenzie who has made such a difference in this world!
Any how, I saw this ad today when I was doing some couponing and thought of you immediately. Not sure if this is a good "price" or will help you at all but I figured it was worth sharing!
Hi Kendra, congratulations, I am so excited for you. I hate to bother you with something but I still have not received my cookbooks. I ordered 5 of them. The name was Angie Robison. You can email me at Just let me know what I need to do. Thanks, have a great day.
Kendra your little bean is so so cute! Theses appointments are so exciting and such a rush, seeing your baby on the screen for the first time and hearing their heartbeat! I am just over the moon happy for you guys, this is going to one amazing year for you guys!
I agree with the girl who said you should do a birth story. I know some AMAZING photographers in Utah, not sure where exactly you are at but check out Amanda Abel photography, Birth stories are her new current love and she does a BEAUTIFUL job with them. She lives in Clinton but does travel all over. Ther is also Melanie Shramm, I think her buisness is She lives in Farmington and also does such an amazing job with babies and everything else. These girls are super talented. I am so excited for you! It's weird how much you can pray so hard for someone that you have never met. Your story just touched me, Makenzie is beautiful thank you for sharing her, she lives on through you and Ryan and I really do believe that SHE will surround you and your cute family with peace. You deserve nothing less!
I am so happy for your family! God bless that little bean! I am just two days behind you, due September 24 :) ... i look forward to reading all about your pregnancy journey!
seeing that picture made me cried, i'm so happy for you, i don't know anybody else who deserves this more than you and Ryan, baby is very lucky to have you guys as his parents... grow baby grow !!!
SOOOO excited for you!!! This little miracle is so blessed to have you and Ryan be his mommy & daddy. (Unless he's a her, then we'll change our thought process. :))
I can't remember how I found your blog but somehow I did! I'm so happy for your pregnancy. I hope you have a happy and quick 9 months.
Your sweet baby girl is beautiful. Your bean will be too!
Congrats again!
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