This question started asking about weight gain... Sorry but I am so self conscious about this as it is.. I don't really want to tell the world that I'm turning into a whale :) Although that number is still none. I know its going to go up soon and fast and I just don't want that to be a focus for this pregnancy at all so I'm taking it out :) Maternity clothes? None.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: I am pretty sleepy most of the time. I could nap which I haven't done since I was pregnant with Kenzie and I dread going to sleep at night because every night this last week I have been having horrible nightmares.
Best moment this week: Just remembering the incredible little life growing inside me.
Miss Anything? Not being sick
Movement: None.
Food cravings: No actual cravings. I pretty much just eat anything that doesn't make me want to puke. Sometimes its been cream of wheat sometimes its been a mango other times its been a twinkie.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Pretty much whatever I just got finished eating.
Gender: Ryan = GIRL Kendra = BOY
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: Nauseous.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty dang moody.
Looking forward to: Doctors apt this week and hearing that heartbeat.
--- Breathing update. Its actually gotten better. Its definitely still there and gets really bad when I do housework or eat or talk to much. but its definitely much MUCH better! Thank Heavens. ----

Hi. I'm just curious if you mean Ryan for a boy and Kendra for a girl, or if its the way you have it...Just curious.
I am always praying for you!
so happy everything is going good. peace and strength always!
Yay for no weight gain! That is just great! I am really happy for you. (I am sure that I am about 15 pounds and only at 16 weeks.)
Ryan thinks its a GIRL and I think its a BOY
I think that Mom's pretty much KNOW, I am loving following your journy.. Still so excited for you..
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