Baby brother got married - again -
Jonathan and his beautiful wife were married in Vegas last year and this year they were married in the LDS Temple. This was a day that took a full year to plan. They went all out and it turned out perfect.
Now those kids are living it up in Europe. Seriously!
How is it that I spent my honeymoon in Tropic UT and they are spending Valentines Day in Paris?!
Maybe our 10 year anniversary we will do something like that :)

Oh my gosh Kendra I totally know those people in the second to last picture. They use to live on my parents street, maybe the Dad still does? Small world, how are they related to you?
that is my sister and her husband. they just had a the wee little one 2 weeks ago.
Tropic, Ut lol thats in my back yard :o) Let me guess, Bryce Canyon honey moon?? Or Ryan just checking out the big bucks that live down this way lol.. Hope you did have a fun honey moon :o)
And can I just add WOW girl you look AMAZING!! your a very beautiful girl, inside and out!! ((Glowing))
Kendra, you look AMAZING! I wish looked that good when I am pregnant and nauseated. :-) And congrats to your brother and his wife on their sealing! It really is an amazing experience have.
Amy right? She was totally my visiting teacher when we lived with my parents. I didn't know she had gotten remarried. How great. Her kids are getting so big, and her new little one is so cute. How funny that she is your sister. She is so sweet.
Alesha- Yeah that is Amy and her new hubby. They got married last year and she now lives in Salt Lake. They are so cute together.
Kennedy- Where do you live? I cant believe you have even heard of Tropic. Everyone I tell that to they scratch their head and say they have never heard of it :)
It really was an awesome honeymoon just because it was so RYAN and he planned the whole thing. We stayed at his aunts bed and breakfast- Do you know Charley and Evadean (I might have spelled her name wrong) anyway. Its so fun there but definity not what I had been dreaming about when I thought of being whisked away on a romantic trip. But its def. turned into our life and I wouldnt change it. haha.
Kendra, I live in Marysvale lol (45 miles from Tropic) Just in the heart of the ATV trails! We are all a bunch of little poDunk towns that no one has heard of :o) And I know what ya mean, my hubby took me to Jackson Hole for our honey moon, It was a lot of fun and was so my hubby's style (I think our men are alot alike,My husband used to bull ride in HS and he hunts like a mad man lol ) but I was thinking romantic honeymoon-sweet! haha instead I had a little cabin. And Yes, I do know Charley and Evadean! WOW small world. They like to come to a lot of the HS sports around this area.. Well Im now thinking you two need to move down this way :) and not to Wyoming. Ryan could be a trail guide for the park :o)
Is it the Stone Canyon B&B they own? I can't remember
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