Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wishes do come true!

December 26th 2011

December 27th 2011

January 8th 2012

7 more tests just like this
all positive

251 days to go
Due date... September 18th 2012

We seriously cant be more excited.
The last few days have been spent soaking it all in.
I have said about a million prayers THANKING God for this incredible gift.
Thank you all for your INCREDIBLE love and support. For every prayer. For every good thought. For every sweet comment and email. For all your reassurance that this will happen. 
I cant wait to continue this journey with you all.

This little life is a miracle.
Oh how loved they already are.


Megan Hailstone said...

Congratulations Kendra!! I am soo excited for you and Ryan! I spent all day reading your blog. Your story is sooo touching, heartbreaking, amazing!! I couldnt stop reading and my friend and I say at work crying and reading all day!!

Kim Sheely said...

Praise God!!!! I am so happy for you! I have been praying every night for this. I am doing a happy dance for you and Ryan!!!

Dean and Rachel said...

I am SO SO SO happy for you! CONGRATS. You SO deserve this:)

The Mac's House said...

Kendra and Ryan I am over the moon excited for you.

This is definitely worth celebrating over, good news, good news. Makenzie is going to be a big sister! :)



*Beyond Blessed* said...

Oh my goodness Kendra and Ryan and Makenzie, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :) I am over the moon excited for you three. I have been reading your blog for awhile but have never commented before. I have been checking multiple times a day for the past few days and hoping to see a post like this - my heart is so happy. It is wild how excited one can be for somebody they have never even met. The song that started playing when I visited your blog this particular time was "Somewhere over the rainbow" - I believe that somewhere over the rainbow, Makenzie is looking down on you and Ryan, and is so excited to become a big sister. :) Congratulations again, I wish you a happy and healthy nine months. This precious new baby is already loved by so many. Please know you have so many people lifting you in prayer. :)

Lea and her Mustangs said...

Oh Kendra, this old Stalking Grandma is thrilled for you. Remember God knows his plans for you and they are GOOD. Bless you BIG

Berry Taufer said...

Yay yay yay!!! Dreams absolutely do come true!! & a lot of prayers have been answered! Can't wait for all the updates! Daily would be fine!! ;)

Emma said...

Yah!!! I am so, so, so excited for you! I have been waiting knowing that you would know yesterday and hoping and praying that you hadn't written for the very reason that you wanted to take some time for you guys, to tell your family etc! I wish there were words to express how thrilled I am for you. I know Kenzie is with you along every step of this journey and that she is already an amazing big sis and helped handpick this sweet little one coming to you-what a lucky little one to have such an amazing angel watching over him/her!
You are all in my thoughts and prayers as always and I look forward to hearing about this newest, most amazing journey.
Soak it in sweetie, you guys deserve this and all the happiness in the world!! Congrats and a big hug to Ryan too-what an amazing father and husband he is and I know he will be beside himself with excitement too.
Love and hugs and excitement, Em

Katie said...

I was just praying and thinking about you today. I am so excited and happy for you :)

Tiffany said...

YAAAAAAAAY! OH KENDRA...I'm so so sOOOOOOOOOOOOO Excited!!! We need to play soon! Or any rate I need a Kendra Hug!! :) Congrats girl! Makenzie must be beaming telling her sibling just how AWESOME you and Ryan are!!

Shanna said...

Yay!! Congrats to you and Ryan!! Hope all continues to go well! So excited for you guys!

Marti said...

OH! I am SO happy for you! This is a very, very lucky baby. :-) Congrats.

Justin and Ashley Showalter said...

OMGoodness!!!! Congratulations Kendra!!!! I'm so excited and happy for you!!!!

Jenni said...

Oh, my goodness, I have never met you in person before and I feel like I have just received news that my sister is pregnant! You have me in tears, I am sooooooo happy for you!!! Hooray!!!!!

Our Family of Four said...

I got goosebumps! That is so awesome! YAY!!!!!

mrslill said...

Congratulations!!!! I have been checking your blogg to see if you have found out yet like 4 times a day!! I am so excited for you!! There just are not words! Can't wait to continue reading your story!!

Anonymous said...

praise God! I have tears rolling down my face. I am soo soo happy for you and your hubs. God Bless

Amy said...

Just started crying. I am so beyond thrilled for you and your family!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Marion said...

Wonderful! Congratulations! I was praying so hard that this would be your month! Hoping you have a happy, healthy pregnancy!

Alissa said...

Hooray! Good news came your way...and it is very much deserved. Sending huge hugs.

Unknown said...

I could NOT be happier for you!!! What a blessed day for you and Ryan. Makenzie is in heaven smiling down knowing already how amazing you and Ryan are and is explaining EVERY detail to her younger sibling!!! I am so very excited for you all. I have NEVER met you and have found your blog through my good friends the Sullengers. Best of love to you!!!

Amanda said...

Woo-hoo!!!!!!!!! Congratulations! I will keep you and your little miracle in my prayers. This is the best news I have heard in a while. =)

Courtney said...

Woot! So excited for you guys!

Kristen's mom said...


Kelly and Tyler said...


Unknown said...

I knew it!!! Third time's the charm - congrats a million times over. NO ONE deserves this as much as you. I've prayed and prayed that God would give you this gift!! And, after 8 months and a miscarriage, I'm PREGNANT TOO!!! Due August 31st. It's a pretty weird feeling, to have such kinship with a total stranger, but your news makes me every bit as happy as my news (and please know how happy I was about my news!!!) :)

Ryan,Erika,Kaylee and Khloe Pettersson said...

I checked your blog today like every hour waiting for this great news. I KNEW this time it worked. Big congratulations!!!! I have tears in my eyes from all that happiness I feel for you. My heart could just burst right about now.
Enjoy this beautiful time in your life!!!
Love you

AJ and Cindy said...

hooray! Congratulations! Third time really is the charm! SO happy for you guys, I cannot wait to go along this journey with you guys :)

Kristy said...

I seriously have been checking your blog every couple of hours since Tuesday. Every time it was loading I was like "please, please, please, please!" Then low and behold the news we have all been waiting for. I keep getting tears of joy in my eyes, I'm glad my husband is out of town or he'd think I'm crazy! I am so happy for you and excited for this baby who will have the most wonderful mommy!

the h fam. said...

Yay!!! I'm so excited for u guys! U r such a good mom!

Becky W said...

Kendra and Ryan..words can not express how happy I am for you. I love you both so much. I know this journey has been long and difficult for both of you and for all of us. I already love this little one so much, along with our Gracie and our beautiful Makenzie. Being a grandparent has been one of the most wonderful, beautiful opportunities that I have been blessed with. Knowing that my family is mine forever brings me a joy beyond measure. I know that there will always be trials in our lives, but these happy moments for my children make me smile and remind me that the Lord hears and answers our prayers and wants us to be happy always. I love you!!! ;-)

Candace said...

Aww i'm bawling now... so excited for you!! That sweet baby is so lucky! Love you guys

Smith said...

I have been praying and praying, and checking this blog an embarrassingly number of times considering I have never met you wondering and hoping, and I just screamed Hooray!!! Blogs do weird things to people. I am so excited for you guys, you guys are going to be amazing parents. Congratulations!!!!!!

Lindsay said...

HOOORRRRAYYYY! Congratulations! Prayers are answered!

Jessica said...

So so happy for you both!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! Congratulations. You and Ryan deserve the best!

Alesha said...

I am so happy for you Kendra! I hope everything goes smoothly and you have a healthy baby. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous at all. ;) wish we were to that point. You deserve this more than anyone! CONGRATS!

Melissa said...

I just can't stop getting goose bumps! That is so incredibly amazing!! Thank you God for giving these parents a blessing! I feel like it's me finding out that I am pregnant, that's how excited I am!

Racher said...

I am SO completely thrilled for you. Best wishes for a safe and happy pregnancy. McKenzie will be with you loving you the whole time. :)

Karli said...

Congrats! So excited for you.

Janeal said...

So thrilled for you!!! Such happy news! Thank you so much for sharing your journey with strangers like me, I am really looking forward to following this exciting journey. My prayers are with you and your husband, and with this sweet, blessed baby on his or her way. Hooray!

Chelsea L said...

That's amazing!! Congratulations :) How excited!

Julie said...

OMG OMG OMG, what beautiful news!!!! Congrats Mama!!!

Kerri said...

Congrats!!! I'm so excited for you. I've been hoping to see a post saying that you are pregnant. So thrilled for you and Ryan. I'm so excited to follow this journey with you. You are amazing. This is going to be one lucky baby!! I can't stop smiling for you guys. Congrats again!

Ginger said...

Congratulations!! You have been in my thoughts and prayers a little extra the past few days. I am soooo excited for you, Ryan, Mackenzie and your family! Thank you for sharing your wonderful news with us!

Ginger :)

Codi said...

Congratulations!!! Such wonderful news...all the best!

Kristin and Jay said...

AMAZING news!!! SO SO SO happy for you both! One little person is about to be the luckiest munchkin on earth! Congratulations!!!

michelle bashaw said...

Doing the happy dance for you in CT! Haha! So excited for you guys!!!

Annie said...

This is awesome news! You will be the best family! Your love will carry this child anywhere their dreams can take you! MRW is celebrating this wonderful news with you from heaven! CONGRATS on this wonderful news! You are more than deserving of this great gift!

crystal said...

This made my night. God is so good. I have been praying for you for a really long time and God showed that He still answers prayers. Kenzie is going to be a great Big Sister :)Sending all my love to you!!! <3

Sarah @ Blue Barn Quilts said...


So excited for you. I have sent many prayers your way and will continue to do so.


Grandma Honey said...

Hurray !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lauren Graff said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you!

Auntie EM said...

Oh my....I am so happy for you and Ryan. I love you both so much and have prayed daily that this would happen this round. I know how hard it is to wait and wait for a baby. I can't imagine how hard it has been for you but now....well, the wait was worth it. I know prayers are answered even though we don't think they are sometimes. This child will bring all of us such joy. I am so excited and happy I can't even think straight right now. Kenzie is probably jumping up and down and is happy for you too. Enjoy this time and drink in all the love that you will feel from this child, from Ryan, your family, our family, and all your friends. We couldn't be more pleased and happy than hearing this wonderful news. I love you Kendra. Auntie M

The Dean's said...

I am so happy for you! Best news I've heard all day! I will continue to keep y'all in my prayers! Congrats again girl!

Anonymous said...

Yay!!!! Congrats!!!

brigette said...

Still so excited!! I squealed out loud yesterday at work when I got your text!!! Ahhhh so thrilled for you and ryan!!! Yay I know mckenzie and gracie are in heaven watching over your new little one!!!

Kennedy Klan said...

Ahhh I can't tell you how HAPPY I am for all 3 of you!!!! Makenzie is going to be a big sister, and you and ryan get the wonderful joy of a new baby!!!! Can I just shout out a big WAHOO!!!!!! What a wonderful way to begin a new year. Congrats momma

Kimba said...

I could not be more happy for you! What wonderful news! Thanks for sharing!

Lori said...

Congratulations ...

Rachael G. said...


Jackie Koll said...

Awww! So happy for you :-)

Jessica Skelton said...

Could not be happier for u !! I did not see u post Tuesday and I was so worried I have been praying for you!! Congrats

Kendra L. said...

I got goosebumps when I saw the first picture!!! (what is the second picture??) Anyway CONGRATS I am so happy for you!!!

Courtney said...

Congrats!! That is soooo exciting!

Melissa said...

YAY! I know we have not met, but there have been endless prayers on your behalf from my little family! We were all doing the happy dance for you!!!! SOOOOOOOO dang excited for you. Big sister just needed a little extra bonding time, but looks like she is ready to send you your miracle. Couldn't be happier. CONGRATS! Can't wait to hear all about this pregnancy!

Aly said...

Feel like crying I'm so happy for you! Been checking all day hoping for this news for you. Wishing you a happy/healthy 9 months!!!

Anonymous said...

I have never been more excited about a pregnancy of someone I've never met (well and some I do know :)) than you guys!! Oh my freaking Gosh!! You guys SO deserve this little one. I almost said guy. Ummm little ESP?? ;). Congrats!

Sarah said...

This news has made my day! Congrats to you two and hope for a happy pregnancy journey! What a miracle.

rcbe1 said...

Crying happy tears for you!!I am so happy for your family. we will keep you in our prayers for a healthly pregnancy and baby:)
Charlene in Riverton

Kristin Milius said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Oh my I'm so happy for u!!! Been praying non stop and waiting for an update!!!!! I knew this one was going to work!! Everything just fell into place!!! Congrats!!!

Chantel said...

YAY!!!! I took a little break from Disneyland to check your blog. This makes me as happy as Disneyland has!!! I am so excited for you.

Tracy said...

YYYEEESSS!!! SO happy for you and Ryan!!! You two deserve all the happiness! Can't wait for you to document your journey and see that cute baby of yours when he/she arrives! Congratulations!!

Paula said...

I have followed your blog for some time and wanted to send a big congratulations! I have admired your outlook on life, how you work through your challenges and your ability to grieve so publicly in a way that is so helpful to many other people. I feel like your words give me strength even as I read them. Thank you for sharing your journey with complete strangers such as myself! You and Ryan have gone through more in your young years than most people go through in a lifetime. I wish you all of the best on your life journey!!

Melissa Baker Photography said...

Just like everybody else I'm so very much a lot happy excited for you and Ryan you guys deserve this,wish you a healthy pregnancy, i cant wait to take this ride with you and read all about it,enjoy it,God is great !!!

rashelle said...

Congratulations Kendra and Ryan.

The Call's said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! How amazing for you and Ryan!

Jessica said...

Beyond excited for you and your husband!! I will be reading as you post about your pregnancy and wishing you well all along the way :)

Joe and Kirstin said...

Congrats!! This is so exciting! I am so happy for your little family, and this new baby is getting the most awesome parents in the world! I am so, so thrilled for you guys. I can understand your impatiently waiting, it is so hard! And the thrill now of finding out, I'm so so happy for you!!

Alisa said...

I knew it! Congrats! I seriously believe that your daughter wanted to give you a fond memory for December by getting pregnant in this month. God bless you all thank you for sharing your story with us.

Alisa said...

Congratulations! God bless you all, thank you for sharing your story with us. I seriously believe that your daughter wanted to give you a fond memory of December!

Anonymous said...

Dear Kendra, I somehow came across your blog and although I'm old enough to be your mom, I have followed your story almost daily. I think you and Ryan are such a sweet, giving, adorable couple and I'm overjoyed at your news! I smiled as though I knew you when I saw this tonight! Sending the very best of wishes for a happy, healthy pregnancy and congratulations to you all! :) May God bless ~

kmccreary said...

Yea for u both!!!! So exciting for you both. Congratulations.

The Pachuilo Family said...

CONGRATS!!!! I am so happy for the both of you. Your Prayer was answered. I am so excited for you and can't wait to follow you journey! Words can't explain how happy I am for you! :)

Tina said...


I got goosebumps reading this post!!!

I've read your blog for a long time but I've never commented. I shed so many tears for you and your husband and sweet Mackenzie Rye and you all have been in my prayers.

I am so so so incredibly overjoyed for you right now! You deserve this miracle! Thank God!

This sweet little life is already so loved and so blessed to have y'all as parents! They are going to have a wonderful life and the sweetest most beautiful guardian angel looking out for all of you in Heaven!

I will continue to pray for you and your family. I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy!

Amishka said...

Congratulations! That is great news!

Mary said...

Oh my gosh...I was just about to go to bed and thought I'd check in...just in case...and there it was...the happy face. I am also over the moon for you and Ryan!!!!! This made my day. I can now tuck in tonight and thank God for the incredible blessing you have received. Praying for a joyfilled pregnancy for the sweetest mommy. So very, very happy for you both.

Mari said...

Nooooooo way!!!!!
Oh, Ryan and Kendra, I do not have enough words to express our joy.
All day I kept saying, wait, wait, then BINGO!!!!
Your family, all four, well five with Harley, are being carried in our hearts with JOY and deep, deep gratitude.

Pol said...


So happy for you both :)

Alexis said...

I very recently found your blog through one of my friends blogs, and I was touched by your story. When I read "Round 3" I was really hopeful for you and Ryan, and when I read the news I got so excited. I am so happy for you guys, congratulations!!!

Camille Ford said...

Yay! That is exciting news! I'm so happy for your family and wish you a wonderful easy pregnancy!

Ronja said...

Congratulations, I am so happy for you! This just made my day. Wishing you all the best!

Anonymous said...

K, R and M-
I am an avid reader (and prayer) of your blog and let me just tell you CONGRATUALTIONS! We recently found out that we are pregnant also (Due Sept. 2). I've been checking your blog daily for an announcement and was elated to see yesterday's post. I can't wait to follow your progress as we grow BIG together.

Laura said...

Congratulations! What an amazing way to start out the new year. I'm so so so happy for you and your family!


macros said...

I have been reading your blog for awhile now and praying right along with you and for you for this new miracle! How exciting!! Congrats! Congrats!! Congrats!!!

Shawna said...

So happy for you!!!! We're due on the same day! <3

Kellie Staats said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooooo excited for ya'll!!!!

We are pregnant with our "Hope" together!!!!

Tabitha said...

I am so incredibly happy for you and Ryan!!! I wish you the best of luck!!!!

Zoe said...

I literally screamed out loud when I saw the title of this post! I'm so happy for you Kendra (& Ryan too of course). Congrats congrats congrats!!

Sam said...

Yay!! Congrats. Thank you for opening up your life on this blog. Everyday I come and check in. You deserve this more than anyone I know. again CONGRATS!!!!!!!

Elana said...

Congrats and all the luck to you all!!! May this time be even more blessed!

Laura said...

OMG!! I am so happy for you guys! I have goose bumps! I am excited to see you GrOW! You guys deserve this and have been patient beyond measure. 3rd times the charm!

Michelle said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Praise God for this wonderful gift! I am so excited for your family!!!

Sarah said...

YEAH! So exciting! Congrats! :)

drudgemom5 said...

I just had a feeling you were pregnant this time but when you said you had a negative test I was sad. I am so excited for you. I know you have been wanting this for so long. You both deserve it!!

Wendy said...

The timing was just perfect, His timing!! Congratulations to you both. This is such wonderful news and I can't wait to read about this new adventure in your lives :-)

Mindee said...

Im elated for you Kendra!!! CONGRATS! This is so exciting. I cant wait to read your amazing journey through this. Your so amazing and strong and I am just incredible happy for you!!

Cole, Jill, Tanner, Peyton said...

I have followed your blog for such a long time, but have never commented. I am a good blog "stalker"! You are such an inspiration to me everday to keep my head up with things get hard. I am SO incredibly happy for you! Congratulations from a complete stranger who has been praying for you daily!

Alysia said...

Congratulations Kendra! Wishing you all the best on this journey! I am very happy and excited for you, Ryan and Makenzie! What a wonderful belated Christmas gift :)

Jared & Shannon said...

I had anxiously been waiting for you to post and just kept hoping and praying for you that you had good news. Congrats! You both deserve this happy blessing.

Rosalie said...

Wahoo!!! That is the BEST news EVER! I am so very excited for you guys! I am happy and crying all at the same time! Congratulations! Maybe my son (who isn't born yet) could talk your child into coming on September 15th. That's my birthday so I already know what a GREAT day it is!

WOW...I am overjoyed and can't stop saying YES YES YES!! Much love and many more prayers that this little one stays put for 9 more months!

Have a GREAT weekend, I know you will!

lovejoy_31 said...

I am so very happy for you!!! Prayers are still headed your way. Love it!!!!!! Congrats!!

Ashley said...

I had a feeling that this time it was going to happen! Everything fell into place perfectly. Will continue to pray for you to have a happy and healthy pregnancy!

Love ~n~ prayers,

RC said...


Jody M. said...

Want to know who is bawling at their desk at work right now, ME! I am so over the moon for you guys right now. I too did round of IVF and IUI so I know the waiting game and anxiety that go along with it. You will have a great group of blogger friend for support and we are honored to get to be by your side through this amazing adventure. I bet that Kenzie is so excited to be a big sister and is already preparing him/her with all the information of what awesome parents you are going to be! Congrats

Ashley Quarles said...

Congratulations!!!!! I am so very happy for you and Ryan!!!!!!!!

Scrappinmom24 said...

Congratulations!! I am so happy for you and Ryan!!! I haven't commented before, but have been so touched by your story and struggles and have prayed for your comfort as you deal with the loss of your precious angel McKenzie. She has taught us all so much as have you as you've been so open about your feelings. I have been through fertility problems and so hoped and prayed you would get the opportunity to be a mom again! Here you are!! Congratulations again!! Praying for you on your new journey!!


Shawna said...

Congratulations Kendra! So excited for you all. Best of luck and lots of prayers for you these next 251 days.

jaymzdene said...

I am so happy and excited for both you and Ryan. You both deserve this more than anything. I have been praying that you would get a positive this time around. Congrats again :)

caitlin and brinton said...

Woot woot!! So excited for you. I know everything will go perfectly. Can't wait to find out what you're having!

The Semi-Domesticated Mama said...

Seriously, tears in my eyes for you guys. I'm so happy for you both. I've followed your journey for awhile and this post just made me whole day despite the fact I don't even know you in real life. Many prayers!

CTownsley said...

I am so happy for you!!! Enjoy every minute! There is nothing like having life grow inside of you. Such an intimate time for you and this little one!! For the next 9 months, you will never be alone! Praise God!!!

Katrina said...

I had the BIGGEST smile on my face as I just read your post!!!! I am beyond happy for you two!! Congratulations, no one deserves it more than you guys!

Susie Writes.... said...

I am so happy for you!!! Congrats to you and your family! Much prayers are shooting the Heavens for you!

Nicole said...

Congratulations. For some reason I had a powerful emotional reaction when I saw the first picture. Got goosebumps all over my arms. So happy for you and Ryan.

niki said...

yippie!!! im so happy for you guys. :)

Kristalynn said...

SO SO SOOOOOOOOOO excited for you and Ryan! Hopefully this is our month too :)


The Mueller Family5 said...

I am so very happy to hear this news! I don't know if I have ever been this excited for someone I haven't met ;) You two deserve this, so much! I can't wait for all your updates on the pregnancy. Take care of yourself! Thank you for allowing me to follow your journey!

glenda said...

congrats!!! so happy for you!!! thank god for this beautiful miracle!!! 2012 is going to be a better year...filled with much love, health and happiness!!!

Malory said...

Congratulations to the both of you!!! I am soooooooo happy to hear this. What a lucky little baby to have parents like you guys and have such a sweet big sister. Wishing you the best, Kendra!

The Queen B said...

What amazing news! Been praying for you!

Linda said...

Ahhhhhhhh!! I'm soooooo happy!

Photography by Jaci said...

This is SO wonderful! Praying that you have a wonderful experience. May God BLESS all of you!

Toni ~ Mom to 8 heavenly Angels and 1 earthly Angel. said...

My heart just sings for you. CONGRATS and here is to a long and borning 9 months. I am so excited to follow this new journy.

Meagan said...

Congratulations!! I am so incredibly happy for you. I teared up reading this. What a blessing!

Hayden's Mommy said...

CONGRATULATIONS KENRA AND RYAN!!!! I can't wait to hear about your pregnancy and see your miracle :)

OcGal said...

So unbelievably happy for you Kendra! Congratulations to you and Ryan! Can't wait to follow how your pregnancy progresses and to finally see you get to be a mom again.

Jessica said...

I got the chills when I saw the news. I randomly came across your blog a few months ago, and I am excited for you to have a baby to hold again!

Our Journey to Beating Epilepsy said...

I read your blog all the time and have been hoping you'd be blessed with this gift since I started reading it! Especially the last round that you did. So happy for you guys and hope the baby gets here safe & healthy :)

Nikki Spotanski said...

Congratualtions Kendra and Ryan!!! What better proof that God is good and faithful :) Sending prayers and well wishes your way!!!

josette said...

YEAH!!!!! i have been checking your blog several times a day since tuesday!!! i am so happy for you and your hubby!!! so wonderful!!!

Tasha said...

Congrats! I got the cold chills as I was reading this! I have followed you for some time now through Kendra's blog. I dont know either one of you, but yet I feel like I do! :) You truly are an amazing woman! You have so many trials in your life that when I think I am having a bad day, I think of you and realize my hardships are NOTHING compared to what you have been through! so thank you for sharing your life through blogging. you are such an inspiration to me! I can't wait till September when we all get to meet this special miracle!

That Girl said...

Kendra, I am so incredibly happy for you, Ryan and Ms. Kenzie. I catch up on your blog every few months. So much has happened since I last read. I am so touched by your strength, honesty and wisdom. Sending prayers and love your way, as always, but especially now with your new little bundle on his/her way. <3

KC said...

So happy for you, I am crying!

Manda said...

I couldn't be more happy for you and your family! I have been following your blog for quite some time now and your post put a smile on my face and brought tears to my eyes. You deserve this wonderful little miracle :) Congratulations!!

Ryan and GeAnna said...

You don't know me, but congratulations!!! I could not be happier for you. I know all too well what its like to want another little one. But after 2 years things are looking up. Hope all goes well for you!

Christina said...


Mikaela said...

You are SO deserving of this! I am so happy and excited for you! Congratulations!

Mama Bird said...

Congrats! I am a lurker, never commented before but I just wanted to say I am soooooo happy for you guys!!!

~Drue~ said...

YAY!!! Congrats to the both of you! You have such an amazing story!!! I'm excited for you both!

Amanda said...

CONGRATS girl!!!!!!! I guess having Ryan was the good luck charm :) I am soooooo happy for you guys, I think about you all the time...if anybody deserves this it's you! Thanks for sharing this incredible journey with me!

Alicia said...

I don't know you, but I fasted for you on Sunday and prayed that you would be able to get pregnant. I'm so happy for you and will continue to pray that all goes well!

Tiffany Ann said...

I cried with joy when i saw this post-i am sooooooooooooooo happy for you! Congratulations you just made my heart so happy!

kennan said...

ecstatic for you.

miracle baby!

Allison said...

yay! congrats :-)

HOPE said...

Chills!! SO excited for you and your cute little family! Congratulations! You deserve all the joy in the world!


Congrats thats great news!!best wishes!!!

The Lawrences said...

this is AMA-Zing! Congrats! Praying that everything goes smoothly!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you and will be praying for a healthy pregnancy and a beautiful healthy baby

Unknown said...

CONGRATS!!! So excited for you guys!!

Kerri said...

Congratulations to you and deserve it sooooooo much! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy, and may all your dreams and wishes for your growing family continue to come true! Thank you for sharing your journey so openly and honestly.


Jeska said...

Very happy for you and your family Kendra. Makes me so happy!! Congrats!


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