Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas Eve

My Mom was here the week of Christmas which made everything so much more fun. 
Ryan had to work on Christmas Eve so we spent the morning making Santa cookies, cooking dinner and making Santa a card. After Ryan got off work we headed to Christmas Eve church service where Tracker got to go on stage. He was making us laugh as he sat there so well and listened to what the lady was telling them to do. Doing something like this on Christmas Eve every year is so important to me. I can get so caught up on the excitement of Christmas morning and sometimes not remember to talk about Christ enough. We try harder and harder every year to do more surrounding Christ. To make sure he is apart of every aspect in this holiday. By serving others or reading stories of his life. Praying and thanking him for all he has given to us. 
These are things that I hope Tracker continues to grow up knowing. Knowing him. Feeling him.
The service was so nice. It was great to be brought back and centered in what this holiday is all about.
After we got back Tracker opened our Christmas Eve present which was jammies and slippers for all. Even Harley got a new Christmas sweater/dress.
 We started a tradition a few years ago to make 1 angel cookie and leave it with the rest of Santa's cookies. The angel cookie is for Makenzie. The last 2 years Tracker has obviously had no idea what we were doing but this year he was so into everything aspect of the holiday. When we set out the cookies for Santa he would point to each cookie and say "Santa's cookie" and then point to the angel one and say "Da one for sister". 
After Christmas stories and tucking Track into bed we watched a Christmas movie.
It was so hard going to bed because we were all so excited for the next morning. 

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