Trackers room was not the easiest thing for Ryan and I to get ready.
I had one vision and he had a completely different.
Ryan won.
I got a good amount of ideas off pinterest and we tried to put our own spin on everything.
We re-used as many things as possible to keep the cost down.
All the major furniture was Makenzies. That was a hard thing to convince me to re-use. I have always thought I wanted to keep her things hers and couldn't imagine another child using them.
After much discussion we decided to use the majority of her big items. and I am so glad we did.
We painted the room a light grey.
Ryan and his Dad did the wood wall. We were going to stain it but once it was all sanded down and put on the wall I loved it just the way it was.
While we were at the cabin this summer we found these old coloring books that used to be Ryan's when he was little. The only pictures he colored was cowboy or horse ones. hilarious.
I thought it would be cute to frame a couple of our favorites and put them in Trackers room.
Tracks first real pair of cowboy boots. He has those cute John Deer crib boots that are smaller than these but these are his first real pair. He probably wont fit into them until he is closer to a year. They are so cute and tiny. I cant wait to see them on his little feet.
My incredibly crafty sister made this cute name banner for Trackers baby shower.
I had to find a place to put it up in his room. I love it.
I did my best to sew a few things in his room. I had my sister and MIL help me with a few projects because sewing is not my forte. I am horrible at it and have no patience.
Its a disaster when I get the machine out.
I did sew these pillows by myself. Don't look to close but they work.
Ryans mom took these pictures of his uncles horses. I snagged a few of my favorites and mounted them on pieces of wood. His mom also found this adorable picture of Ryan when he was little on a goat and his Grandpa on his horse. I love these pictures.
I found this small pallet at work one day. It was just what I was looking for. I stained it and Ryan turned it into a book shelf. We love to read bedtime stories around here. We grew quite a collection with Makenzie and its only grown bigger with Tracker. We read every night. Its one of my favorite moments of the day.
Tree from the cabin above the window.
We were going to get Tracker a new dresser but decided to just use my old one. I have had this thing pretty much my entire life. It was an ugly brown with gold knobs but with a little paint and new hardware it was good as new. I couldn't get the color to look right in these pictures. Its more of a dull grey/blue. I don't like the color in these pictures so just know it looks better in real life.
I found this cute box to put all his diaper stuff in and painted it.
We were given this sweet statue which made me think of Makenzie and Tracker right away.
Its perfect.
This is Kenzies star that our friends the Anderson's gave us shortly after Kenzie passed. It was sooo sweet and I have been waiting for the perfect place to hang it.
I used to sing 'You are my Sunshine' all the time to Makenzie. I love that song.
Now it means even more with Tracker and we sing it several times a day.
It describes him perfectly.
I had a hard time trying to figure out where to put this bookshelf that Ryan made for Makenzie. We decided to still use it for books and toys and put it in one of the closets.
The other closet stores clothes and diapers.
After months and months of preparing for this little boy I just cant believe he is really here.
I love his room. As simple as it is I hope he likes it and can grow in it.

OMG that is the cutest Room I have ever seen. Can't wait to come visit!!
Love you
Jenn Gott Louie
LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Tracker's room!
How did you mount the photos on the wooden boards?
Thanks for sharing photos!
His room is PERFECT!!! Although I'm a bit biased towards all the cowboy stuff.
Tracker is such a lucky little guy to have a mom like you, a dad like Ryan and a big sister like Makenzie!
I love how it turned out. Rooms such as this make me feel like I just threw my boys room together with a huge minus of creativity. We too live in a condo and only have one extra bedroom and two boys. So now I am trying to update their room since they are no longer babies (well they are still my babies), but they are nearly 1 1/2 and nearly 3 so I need to make the room more fitted to their age. I love that his room can grow right along with him. You did a fabulous job! I too love to read to my kids. It is such a simple and enjoyable past time.
Kendra!!! I love his nursery, it's the cutest thing ever! The details are perfect!!
Tracker is such a cutie, congrats again : )
I LOVE LOVE LOVE his room!!!
Obsessed with this nursery!! I have never seen a western theme, and it is so perfect for little boys! And definitely unique! You did an awesome job.
Do you have a changing table or do you change him in your room?
My favorite thing is the coloring book pages that you framed--those are classic!!!
I love it! What great ideas! Who knew you could do so many cute and different things with a Western theme!
such a cute little room! I am sure he will feel your daughter's spirit in it.
Kendra, I love his room! It is so cute, and you are really so talented. I am so beyond happy for you guys that he is here! Thinking of sweet Makenzie!
Love it <3
I love the colors! You guys did so great!! I hope he likes it as much as Ryan does!
It's so adorable! I've been so excited to see it! I love that it has a theme but its not like a baby's room, it's very tasteful! Love it!
What a wonderful room. Much love put into it, and it shows. Perfect for Tracker.
Wow Kendra and Ryan...that room is simply amazing! I love it. Everything about it. You guys did an awesome job. I hope you both know how lucky little Tracker is to have parents like you guys. I wish nothing but health and happiness for your entire family. You all deserve it!
Praying for you always!
What a great room! All the details are amazing! And you need to tell your crafty sister that she should sell those name banners--seriously, I would be first in line to buy one (or two, actually, for my 2 boys)!!
I love, love, LOVE his room!! You guys did an amazing job!! I also like to decorate baby rooms with something they can grown into to. I love all of the decorations with special meaning. Always thinking of you guys!!
Love the room!
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