Baby Tracker technically had his first bath in the hospital but his first bath at home was much better.
Warmer water, yummy smelling soap, extra soft towels and Daddy did it all.
Tracker follows in his sisters footsteps LOVING his bath time.
He relaxes right away and could sit in the water for hours if we let him.
I cant believe that giving our baby a bath would mean so much. Its amazing how much we missed these little things. These little moments. I could freeze this moment forever.
The day we got home from the hospital (9/11/12) was the same day Track got his circumcision. His doctor said to make sure he pee'd within 8 hours after the procedure was done or to call him. We were only used to this little guy for 2 days but in those 2 days Tracker proved to be one of the best pee and poopers in town so we figured there would be no problem. Of course this day he didn't pee or poop. I was a wreck waiting for something to happen. By the end of the day, 8 hours had passed since his procedure and I was ready to call his doctor in tears because I worried something was seriously wrong... Ryan suggested we give him a bath and see if he just needed to relax a little. The minute Ryan took his diaper off this little stinker pee'd and pooped all over his Dad! I was laughing and crying all at the same time.
Thank goodness for Ryan who calms me down on an hourly basis.
We are in love with every inch of this little man. He is the sweetest ever.

So many precious pictures. So glad he finally relieved himself, even if it was on dad!!!
What a handsome little guy!
He is adorable!! So happy for you guys!
What a doll. That is still one of my favorite things to do with my kids and they are 1 and 2. I enjoy just watching them sit and play in the bath. It is a moment to just sit back and watch them laugh and interact with one another. He is such a handsome little man.
Tracker looks just like his Daddy. The resemblance is amazing!
So Happy for you two!! He is a doll!!
Love this post! Its so cute how Ryan is so gentle about giving Tracker is bath! So so CUTE! So glad you have Tracker here to love on and enjoy :)
I love it!! I am so happy for you and Ryan!!
Lucky you! When my almost-3-year-old was a newborn, she SCREAMED "bloody murder" (as my mom says) when I bathed her! He is a gorgeous baby :) I'm jealous - Wish I could get my fly out there and get my "baby fix"!!
He is so adorable. All these baby pics of your cute little Tracker is making me baby hungry. He is so precious and I just want to reach through the screen and hold your little guy. I am so happy for you! :)
So sweet...Tracker gets the cutest expressions on his face. Ryan is a bath pro!!
Such sweet pictures!!
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