I wanted to update you all. I did another count today and we are currently at 256 pairs of leggings.
AMAZING but we only have 3ish months left and I would love to collect MANY more.
This can be a great little service project for kids or even yourself. Feel free to share our project with everyone you know. I have all the information on the link at the top of my blog or you can click HERE. My goal is to donate 2000 pairs of leggings but I will be happy being able to donate any amount. I keep in contact with the amazing team at Primary Children's Hospital and they cant say enough how popular those leggings are. Everyone loves them. I have received a couple emails from parents of a child that received a pair of leggings just thanking all of YOU for your amazing donation. They have said how it completely brightens up their little ones day.
I hope none of you have ever experienced or never will experience life in a hospital with your sick babe. but if you do-- you know anything that brings a smile to your little ones face is life changing.
When we had our stay in the PICU I was overwhelmed with the amazing support and love people would give.
We were there over Thanksgiving and these 3 amazing families that all lost a child there in the PICU served Thanksgiving dinner to all us parents. The unity and support is out of this world. You cant imagine the simple joy it brought to all of us.
We were given blankets almost on a weekly basis. We loved them so much. You wouldn't think they would get so dirty but we always managed to spill something on them or Kenzie would pee on one or some of her fluids would leak.
There was so many other amazing acts of kindness show to us its really just incredible.
One of the great thing about the leggings project is that they are distributed throughout the hospital. Not just the PICU. So kids all over get to have a pair. Kids in the cancer ward, the burn unit, etc. This hospital is huge. They help kids from all over the country. Your donation is so important.
I hate to beg but I will. I want to share not only Makenzies story but all of yours-- showing people how generous all of you are.
I hope when you see a pair of leggings you snag a pair for this project. I hope if you are in a Target you grab a couple of their knee high socks to send this way. Even if you don't sew- ill do it for you!
Or you can always buy a cookbook. I would love to clear some of these boxes out of my closet. Its a win win for you... All money from the cookbooks goes to buying leggings and you get an amazing cookbook out of it. You can keep the cookbook or you can give it to someone as a gift. Christmas is not far off. How cute would a cookbook and a mixing spoon tied to it be for anyone. I love getting gifts like that. and you would totally be the most popular gift giver ever because whoever gets that cookbook will fall IN LOVE. You have no idea the amazing recipes that are in this thing. oh heavens!
Please spread the word. Please help.
There is no donation too small.
If you have any questions or would like the address to send your donation please email me at
Thank you so much for any help you can give!!!
Couldn't you just eat up those legs?!

Such a great idea. (: My baby boy was in the hospital when he was little for a liver condition, and I completely understand how these could be so helpful and comforting! I shared your page on my facebook page. <3 Here's to 2000 warm legs.
Hi Kendra,
I have been a silent reader for a while now and I think you are such an amazing Mommy. I know your sweet Makenzie is proudly looking down on you. I would love to get my 8 yr old daughters Brownie Troop involved in your leggings project. I am going to talk to her leader and see if this is something we could do as part of their community service hours. Excited for the birth of your lil man!!
I came across your blog doing a paper for my class in collage. (dealing with a death of a child) I have cried over lots of your post prayed for you many nights since I started reading your blog. You r one tuff cookie. You. Have taken a gut wrenching experince and turned it in to a wonderful way to honor your daughter. Kendra, nobody should have to experince what you and Ryan had but you too have come. Up on top. I pray all goes well with your sweet little boy and that god gives you the chance to be a mom again. Your little man is going to be one loved little boy. I belive that your sweet little girl picked him out for you. My god contiune to bless you. tammi from Irving Tx
I believe I have like 7 pair, but I am not a sewer. Therefore, I am recruiting my sister in law whom I believe wanted to donate a few to make them for me. I will also be asking all the women in my family to donate. If they each donate just one that would be that would be 9 more on top of my 7. I think and hope to be able to do at least that. :) I love that you do this project. As I said before my husband is a paramedic and he recently finished up his pediatric rotations and he loved trying to make the children smile so I am so excited to do this project and help!
Hi Kendra, I am a new reader and I am so happy to see what you are doing for all these kids. My son was 2 months preemie and spent the 2 months in the NICU. He had a tough fight, 2 blood transfusions and much more. I would love to help as much as I can, cause I know how hard it is to not be able to help your child, and just the littlest things brighten them up and make them so happy. I will see if I can get schools and other groups around our area to help. God bless you for all you have done and all you are doing to help these little miracles out!! Keep up the good work and I pray you reach your goal and even more!
Love the Sants
Would you be interested in crocheted leggins? I make them all the time!
WOuld you be interested in crocheted leggins? I make them all the time and they're super cute! Let me know! cncfamiliy2010@yahoo.com
Last year, my daughter, Alivia, spent the better part of it at Primary Children's due to a liver condition. We were there continually from the first week in September til her 1st birthday in January. About 2 1/2 months of that was spent in Picu. During that time, we were continually given toys, blankets, hair bows, etc. She also received several pairs of the cutest legwarmers. We loved them. PICU rooms are not the warmest places to spend time so we were grateful for the legwarmers since she couldn't wear much of anything else because of all her connections. We brought them all home and she still gets to wear them. This is a great project! Thank you for doing it.
Last year, my daughter, Alivia, spent the better part of it at Primary Children's due to a liver condition. We were there continually from the first week in September til her 1st birthday in January. About 2 1/2 months of that was spent in Picu. During that time, we were continually given toys, blankets, hair bows, etc. She also received several pairs of the cutest legwarmers. We loved them. PICU rooms are not the warmest places to spend time so we were grateful for the legwarmers since she couldn't wear much of anything else because of all her connections. We brought them all home and she still gets to wear them. This is a great project! Thank you for doing it.
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