So I know I'm being a bit of a drama queen but those who know me really well know I have really really bad separation anxiety. I have been this way my whole life and believe me its not pretty! My adorable amazing husband is leaving today for the best week (in his life) of the year. Its hunting season and during this time I usually lose him on weekends, a few days here or there, hours to go to the range and of course our TV is set on the hunting channel. I knew this would happen when we got married however I didn't realize how annoying it can get until after our first real year of actually living together married. Last year was hard however I tried to be supportive but still ended up being a nagging wife who followed her husband down to the cabin during this much anticipated week. This year- I have become much more understanding. I really don't complain until I see the bank account drop due to the much needed new items for the hunting year.
The hunt started back in August so I have survived almost 2 full months of this. Today however is the start of something different. This week long adventure will be had without the wives this year. Not only because the boys deserve a week with just the "men" but because of ridiculous gas prices and lack of time there is not really a way for me to make the 4 hour drive down south to the cabin. Today is the first day of my adventure. Ryan leaves at 1:00 PM. I have said my "see you laters..." along with many tears (only from me) This is the longest time I will have spent apart from my husband. One week- Oh that should not be a problem right? Well for me its not just one week of not having him here but its one week of constant fear he is not "okay"Is he cold? Is he hungry? Is he lost? A million stupid thoughts run through my mind.
Yes Ryan is an adult and has been hunting the same mountain with the same routes and with the same people for his whole life- 24 years! I need to just breath. I know he will be fine and will have the time of his life. I mean no wife, no one telling you to shower, no one telling you to eat something healthy, no one telling you to be nice and stop being such a "boy". Yes this is definitely my husbands week! He deserves it because all year long he has to live with me :) I just love my husband and don't trust anyone to make sure he is "okay" like I trust myself (I think I'm going to have some serious problems when I have children)

1 comment :
I can totally relate to worrying when the hubby is away. Jared went hunting last year for about three days and the same thoughts were constantly running through my head. Is he hungry, cold, how will I know he's okay? But you just have to let the boys be boys, hope you'll survive the week.:)
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