How far along? 28 Weeks
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Best moment this week: Oh this week has been crazy busy. The best moment was any moment I was home with Ryan.
Not so good moment of the week: Man its getting really uncomfortable over here. Sleepless nights not only because I am consistently in the bathroom but Ryan and I have been so sick and just cant breathe when we lay down.
Miss Anything? Being able to sit comfortably. Sleeping. and taking cold meds when I dont feel good.
Movement: This boy likes to wake me up at night. HOLY COW. Ryan keeps saying we are in trouble. He doesn't move much all day but at night goes crazy. He is so funny because he moves lots more if I have a blanket over me and as soon as I try to lift it up and watch him move he stops. If I put my hand on my tummy he stops. He doesn't like much attention apparently.
Food Cravings: Milk.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I haven't been feeling queasy sick but my appetite has gone out the window. I am hardly hungry and when I am nothing sounds good.
Gender: BOY.
Symptoms: Does outgrowing clothes at a rapid pace count as a symptom?
Emotions: Emotions are all over the place. Anxiety is at an all time high. I am usually crying and I keep myself up at night with all the worrys in life.
Looking forward to: Doctors appointment. Its the lovely glucose test this week.
and making it to the final trimester.

You look fabulous Kendra! Glad you are doing so well!
You look so cute! I hope your 3rd Trimester just flies by so you can cuddle that brand new miracle baby.
eeeew...the glucose test!! i hated that gross drink, and had to go back for the 3 hour test!! you are too cute :-)
Tussin DM is safe while pregnant. It is a cold medicine. For some reason I consistently was sick during both pregnancies. That was the only med that saved me and one of the only ones that I was able to take while pregnant. If you go to they have a link for all the safe meds while pregnant depending on what symptoms you are showing. Hope you feel better soon. Nothing worse than being pregnant and sick.
Way to go, you have come two-thirds of the way, you can make it! You are in my prayers, hugs!
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