Our weekend was full of going going! On Friday night we had a much needed date night. We went to eat at Rodizio Grill then went and saw -What happens in Vegas- which I recommend. I thought that movie was hilarious! On Saturday I got to spend the morning at the Race for the Cure downtown. What an amazing sight to see 17,000 people all fighting for the same thing. I was overwhelmed by what some of the people had written on their backs- "In memory of" or "In celebration of" It was all just so amazing to see the incredible people who have had to fight something so horrible and their awesome attitudes about it all. I was in a daze admiring all those people. It was great to be there with my Mom, Kristianne and Amy. After the race we had Mothers day brunch at Market street. In the afternoon Mallory and I went to Ryan's flag football game where sadly they lost :( We are doing an exercise class together so we just shopped the sugar house area until it was time for our class to start. Later that night I went to a baby shower for my sister in law Ashlyn who just had the new little baby- Teagan Mae White. Teagan is Devlin's little sister. She looks exactly like Devlin did only Devlin had black hair! She is such a beautiful baby.

Sunday was Mothers Day! Although I am a mom to my Harley. We really didn't celebrate for me. We went and saw Ryans grand parents and his Mom. We had dinner at her house and had a wonderful time just being with them.
- To Becky: Such an amazing person! I am so blessed to have her as my mother in law. She is so loving and I really treasure and admire how she raised her family. She has always welcomed me into their family with so much love. I cant believe how great she is! The best thing she did for me was raise my incredible husband. I can only imagine the task that was but she sure got him in line (for the most part)
We then went to my Moms house and I got to talk to Jonathan!
- To my Mom: I wonder how my mom did it! Starting her family so very young and going through everything she has is unbelievable to me. She raised 10 children- And one of them being me! Oh someone should get a metal just for putting up with all the things I put people through in my life! I want to apologise for being Me! haha... My mom has just always been such a strong person. She has worked so hard and never given up on any of us. I love my Mom with all my heart and cant believe I'm lucky enough to have her as my Mom.
It was so great to talk to Jonathan yesterday. It was horrible to say goodbye though. My little brother has always been more of my big brother. We have been through everything together and we always stick by each other. Its been so hard since he has been gone because he is one of my best friends. I tell him everything and he always knows what to say to make me feel better. I am so proud he is doing something he believes in and has grown up to be the person he has become. Its really an honor for someone to know him. I told him to tell me a story in Spanish (I know I'm a dork but I think its amazing when people speak another language- it fascinates me) It was so cool to hear him speak Spanish like a pro! I didn't have any idea what he said but it sounded really interesting.
I sure love Mothers. I have always said about "parents" that just because biologically you are a parent doesn't make you a Mom or a Dad. Those are titles that need to be earned. Anyone can have a child but it takes some amazing, dedicated people to be a Mother or Father. I have quite a few Mothers! There have been so many great people who helped show me the way through my life and have pulled me along when I don't think I can go anymore. Thank you to every Mother out there! You are all incredible for doing what you have done and that's being a Mom! I just hope I can someday earn my role as a Mother to my children. Its such an honor!
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