We are definitely having a little BOY!
We had our ultrasound with the doctor yesterday and they not only confirmed we are going to welcome a little boy but we will welcome him sooner than we thought. So its only 4 days sooner but that still makes me happy. Our new due date is September 16th. We talked about the possibility of getting induced a week before that. I am so anxious to meet this little boy but I am not sure if we are going to go that route. I loved going into labor with Makenzie and not having it planned but we will see how things go as the date gets closer. Like my doctor said- I might be ready to just have him here after a hot summer and beg to be induce.
Baby T was not loving the ultrasound. He was burring his face in my bladder and totally turning his body in the opposite direction the tech was trying to look at. He wouldn't open his legs and would not give us any good shots of his cutie little face. At one point we sat there and watched him punching over and over. We all agreed he was ready for us to be done at that point.
Oh how I love him to pieces already.
Makenzie is pretty happy she gets a brother. Little brothers are the best.
and thank you for all your advice on painting Makenzie/ Baby T's room. We thought about leaving some pink but ended up deciding against it. We finished painting late last night and Ryan and my Mom might kill me because I am not certain I love the color. I have spent the last month searching for the perfect shade of grey and thought I found it. I have to say grey is the hardest color to pick. There is no perfect shade of light grey. Its either too brown or too blue or too green. When we finally settled on a color I was so happy. but then we painted. and now I think it looks too dark and too brownish green.
I will give it a few days and see how I feel about it later.
So... I have an awesome tip to give everyone!
apparently its not new according to my mama but if you are like me- it was a mind blowing-super cool- tip that i couldn't get over.
when you have nail holes all over your wall like we did in Makenzie's room---
use white soap to fill them in!
son of a gun.
shut the front door.
get out of town.
stop it.
yes this pregnant women almost peed her pants in pure excitement.
not that im planning my moms funeral- because she will live to be 102- but i honestly made a mental note to make sure and mention that in her obituary. best advice ever. i almost cried watching her fill ever single one of those holes. it was amazing.
so back to painting
we painted
and Ryan replaced all the outlets and did some electrical fixing.
i wont post the finished product pictures until we are completely done with his room.
its going to be amazing.
let me note that planning a nursery for a boy is very different than planning a nursery for a girl.
mainly because Ryan has opinions on what he wants in his boys room and didn't with Makenzies room.
and i really do want him to love it as much as i do but my masculine yet shabby chic style isn't the rugged camo/hunting style he is looking for. and trying to combine those two styles is not easy.
but ryan we are making some compromises and i think it will turn out perfect.
i cant wait to get it done.

I'm super excited to see the finished product! Hey...I'm sure you look at these types of blogs frequently, but I stumbled across this one: http://averycan.blogspot.com/
and just thought I'd share it with you, in case you wanted to take a look.
So happy for you and your sweet baby BOY! (Oh, and Ryan too!) :)
WAHOO!! Boys are so special and this one will be so loved! Keep growing little one! Can't wait for your Mama and Daddy to hold you! Congrats you guys! Can't wait to see the final pics of the room!
Much love!
OH MY GOSH! Thank you! You just seriously made my whole day. That is brilliant! I glad to hear about your little man! He will be darling!
My husband had no opinion for the girls but total opinion for our little boy, which is why we have a camo nursery. Not what I would have picked but he was so excited to finally get his boy!!
I just love reading your blog...I love the way you write. Congrats on finding out it's a baby boy! Boys are tons of fun and love their mamas soooooo much! My daughter was born September 15th which is a great time of year to have a baby :)
I cannot wait to see the photos of the finished product! What other colors are you using with the grey?
Don't know if you have hear about this little girl but she has sma and will soon be an angel baby
Thanks for sharing your baby pics Kendra! I love ultrasound photos -- he looks so adorable already! Congrats again.
SO exciting you are having a boy! Can't wait to see his room : )
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