Friday, April 13, 2012

Its a...

What is your guess?
Boy or Girl

Blue is for BOY
Pink is for GIRL

We could not be more excited to welcome this little man!


Kim Sheely said...


Anonymous said...


Mands and Mattie said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Your little prince, the little man who will come to hunt with his daddy and steal/protect his mommas heart : ) so perfect! cant wait to hear his name!!!

BattFam said...

Wahoo I'm so excited for you guys!! I just found out we are getting our third boy. They are so fun and very entertaining!!

Kristalynn said...


Alesha said...

So excited! Congrats!

Amanda said...


Melissa Baker Photography said...

this made me cry, i voted boy, im in the winner team yayyyy...
im really happy for the 3 of you !

Melissa said...

Congratulations! Now what's little man's name?

Melissa said...

Congratulations! Now what is little man's name?

Clement Park Ward Youth Trek said...

SUch a cute way to reveal. But congrats on the boy! Boys are so much fun :)

Aly said...


Johnna said...

Yay!!!!!!!! How amazing that Kenzie has a baby brother!!! Congrats to you all!

Kerri said...

Congrats!!! I'm so excited for you. Boys are so stinkin' fun. Yay! I am just thrilled beyond words for you two.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! How exciting for you guys :D

Krissy said...

Congrats Kendra. That is so exciting.

BrittRegan said...

Sooo happy for you both!!

Mindee said...

CONGRATS!! That is so so exciting, and i loved the way you announced it!

Alerie said...

I'm so happy for you guys!! This little boy is so lucky to have you guys as parents and sweet little Makenzie as his big sister always watching over him. Congratulations!!

Dean and Rachel said...

YAY! YAY! YAY! Congrats:)

tntx3 said...

Congrats!! Boys are a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!!! You look beautiful and radiant!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!!! You look beautiful and radiant!!!!!

Sharla said...


I am a silent follower who never comments but am always so excited to hear your stories. You really are an inspiration to me. You've been through so much and yet you are still so positive. I know you have your days where the last thing you want to think of is positivity, dont we all. But unlike others who can't escape the dark hole, you seem to be able to express your feelings and keep your chin up. You are an amazing mother and are so passionate about your gorgeous angel baby Makenzie, you make me strive go be a better mother every day and cherish all the little things in life. I can't express to you how happy I am for you and your husband, this new journey in life will take you to great places ... I'm sure of it! Boys Rock! They love their mamas like no other and will make you feel le your the most important person in the world and m sure Ryans excited to have a hunting buddy!

I think about your Makenzie alot and how beautiful of an angel she is. She has such a bright spirit and I know she is so proud of you and all the things you have done to honor her and all the things you do for the other little angel babies. I have wanted to donate some baby leg warmers to you for so long and finally purchased some today. I live in Canada and the shop I ordered them from is in the US. So it will be cheaper for her to send them directly to you. If you could please privately email me an address to send them to that would be great!

Saskatchewan, Canada


Ronja said...

Congratulations, that is so exciting and so great that you know it now! So all the decoration and shopping can begin. Your party looks like so much fun, and I bet Mackenzie enjoyed all the blue ballons!

Unknown said...

Congrats!! This is so exciting!! May you be blessed with the arrival of your precious baby boy! The box was adorable as well!

Wendy said...

Oh my goodness how exciting! I just love the reveal! What a blessing. Congratulations :-)

Ginger said...

Congratulations! So excited for you and your family!! :)

caseyp said...

Congrats!! Lil Boys are the best!!! They love their mommys sooooooooooooo much!!!!

Maranda Schroeder said...

Awesome gender reveal! I saw something like this on Pinterest, but it was after we had already spilled the beans to everyone, so I missed out on doing it. We have 2 boys, they are tons of fun (and trouble)! So very happy for you and your husband--and that is one lucky little boy to have such an amazing family!

Mikaela said...

YAY!!! so excited for you!! congrats!

Nevaeh's Mommy said...

CONGRATS Ryan and Kendra! you don't know me, but I faithfully follow your blog! Wooo Hoo! A BOY!

Unknown said...

Yea, I'm so excited! I was pretty confident you are having a boy, then I saw the pictures of you each week and knew! I don't know if anyone has said that you're carrying your pregnancy like it's a boy, but I can always look at a pregnant woman and tell. Crazy thing is, I've never guessed wrong! Congratulations!!!


blessed2012 said...

congrats on the baby boy! :)

Ashley said...

Yay! Congratulations! We are having our second boy and they are just so much fun!

Kennedy Klan said...

OH I AM SOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!! Congrats to you and Ryan! You two will enjoy him so much, this little man will be loved for sure :) Ok now, on to Names for your little man!!! :)

Nicole and Preston said...

Congratulations! I have never commented on your blog, but have been following you for a long time.
What an exciting time for you! I know this little boy will be loved more then imaginable!

Tiff@ny said...

Yay congrats you guys!!! I totally thought it would be a girl! I am so excited for you guys and to see pictures of this little guy! =)

Heather Raggett said...

Congrats! So was it a surprise to you right at that time too or did you know and were revealing it to family and friends?

~Love, Hope and a Bow on Top~ said...

Congrats to you all!!! I know he will be loved so much!!!!

Unknown said...

So excited to see your having a boy!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!!! That's what I'm expecting too... although I have NO idea what to do with a baby boy! Thank goodness God always gives us exactly what we need, even before we know we need it. Blessings and health and HOORAY! A BOY!!!! :)

Maine Baby Treats said...

Yeah! Congratulations! Such super exciting news!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your boy :)

glenda said...

congratulations!!! so happy for you the 2 of you!!!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Kendra and Ryan!!! What a LUCKY little man!!

Preston and Keri said...

YAY! Congratulations!!! Boys are so fun!

Toni ~ Mom to 8 heavenly Angels and 1 earthly Angel. said...

Congrats I am so thrilled about all of this... ((Hugs)) and lots of belly pats.

sarah and jeremy said...

Congrats to you and your husband! That is so exciting. I have 2 little boys (Trey and Emmett) and they are sooooooooooo fun!! Little boys are so sweet and cuddly with their mama's :) and the shopping is pretty great too, boy clothes are easy and way less stressful than girls, ha ha...congrats again!!

mrslill said...

I am so happy for you!!!!
We just had our little man in feb. It's been so much fun boys are so fun!

Chantel said...

Congrats! Boys are so fun, although I probably would have written the same thing if you were having a girl, lol. I couldn't be happier for you.

Presley & Charlotte Gleason said...

Congrats!!!!! This is so Exciting!!!!! A cute lil guy, I can see him now in his camo!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. He will be loved!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! So excited for you! I bet Ryan is just so giddy to be able to plan future hunting trips! Congrats to you both!!!!

Unknown said...


Laura said...

Congrats! You will be great parents. I think your suprise was perfect. I understood, you had the sign right on the box. Can't wait to hear his name.

Ashley Quarles said...

Yay!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!


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