*no picture this week because I have been one hot mess puking my guts out everyday and that's just not the look I'm wanting to share with the world. its scary.*
Maternity clothes? So I pulled out a shirt and pants last week and for some reason the pants don't fit again this week. I definitely haven't lost any weight I guess the weight is just shifting? This is such a hard stage to wear clothes. I have thought on several occasions to just walk around nude.
Stretch marks? I memorized my stretch marks from Kenzie and I am starting to see those annoying buggers come through. They are so light and I can only see them in certain light but they make me sad. Sleep: I cant fall asleep to save my life but once I get to sleep I am sound asleep!
Best moment this week: So many things: Telling our family its a boy, deciding we are going to do a nursery and feeling him move.
Miss Anything? Looking presentable when I leave the house instead of now looking like a miss matched 3 year old who just put on anything that fit.
Movement: I have definitely been feeling him move around. and I forgot how this stage of them moving is a bit uncomfortable.
Food Cravings: Green apples, mango's and salad
Anything making you queasy or sick: I have felt sick this week but I think its more a stomach bug than anything related to pregnancy.
Gender: BOY!!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Headaches... Still getting them almost every night. Drinking more water is helping a little.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Picking out the paint color for his room.

Sorry you are not feeling well! Our family had that nasty virus starting three weeks ago and it lasted two weeks. Ugh, I wouldn't wish that on anyone! On another note, I remember each time I was pregnant, when the baby moved it made me feel nauseous. I don't know why. Hope you feel better soon!
I follow you, and I got headaches every night and some mornings too for a few hours. I started drinking the protein drinks from Costco- chocolate ones. I haven't had a headache since! They have 1g sugar and 170 Cal and 30grams of PROTEIN!!!!! check them out
HI Kendra,
So exciting that you are having a boy! I just love my little guy. I noticed though that you said you get headaches. I get them all the time when I am pregnant. I would take tylenol, but check with your dr first.
Congrats on a baby boy!
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