I think I mentioned it when I was pregnant with Makenzie but I remember sometime in the 3rd trimester Ryan and I were at Home Depot getting something when out of the blue I started peeing my pants. Seriously. I didn't even feel I needed to go. Then it was out. It was the most horrifying thing to ever happen to me. I pissed myself in public. Ryan laughed. Like fell on the floor laughing. Then he refused to leave because he had to finish shopping and he needed me to help him pick things out- It was all stuff for the baby's room. I almost died. He kept assuring me you couldn't hardly tell. I was wearing my black work pants and couldn't see past my huge belly so I just trusted my husband and continued to shop. Let me say this wasn't like a tinkle. It was a full on pee. We were in there maybe 5 more minutes and then left. When I was walking out I noticed my reflection in a mirror and almost died, it was very VERY noticeable. The whole front of me was wet. I kind of felt it but not really and would my husband lie to me? Never! Well all that trust went out the window with my dignity. I
Okay so that brings me to last night.
Still in the beginning stages of the second trimester and what happened.
I walk in the door after a lovely dinner with our friends and realize--- I'm peeing!!!!
I run to the bathroom and I cant stop it. I jump in the bath tub and stand there. I'm yelling to Ryan who again is laughing so hard he can barley stand.
What the hell?!
Has this ever happened to you?
I learned with Kenzie to start wearing panty liners when you are in that last trimester because you sometimes sneeze or laugh to hard and a LITTLE pee comes out but I full on pee'd. There was no panty liner that would hold this. Being only 15 weeks I am frightened of whats to happen the further along I get. Will I need to invest in some heavy duty depends? Is there something else going on? I will tell you right now- If you ever see me in public with wet pants, please tell me and help me find cover.
P.S. Yesterday some lady asked me if I was having triplets! Who asks that?
Please let me give anyone who has half a brain like this lady some advice. DON'T EVER say anything to a pregnant women about how big she is. First off- when she looks in the mirror she probably already thinks she is twice as big as she actually is and second- we are not stable people and you never know who might haul off and knock you over the head for saying such a thing.
I held my fists and told her as nice as possible there was just 1.
oh and here is the kicker--- she was trying to sell me something from her store down the street. HA. get the hell out of here lady. She lost a sale.

Kendra, I have to say that PIMP never happened with me either time, but with my last one it was #2 I hate to say. Real close call. I am so sorry to say that your story gave me a little chuckle and brightened my day a bit. I wish you and Ryan all the best. Pee and all! At least it wasn't at dinner. You were already home!
I had some trouble while PG but after having my first son (7lbs 14.5 ounces) I had severe incontinence. I had an epidural and blamed it on that the first evening after his birth. When I got home and pee was still running down my leg and I never felt the urge to pee(Who knew this could happen at age 22?) I panicked and called my Dr. telling her something was wrong. She told me it wasn't normal and sent me to a urologist who told me that it would either get better or it wouldn't. LOVELY! It got better but was never right. After another pregnancy and almost 10 years of peeing every time I laughed, sneezed, jumped or coughed... I had surgery to fix the damage from child birth. I don't know if you had a VB or C-section. If you had a VB and there was any damage from giving birth, the weight of the baby will make things worse :( I'm not trying to scare you! Have you had a test done to make sure you don't have a bladder or UT infection? I have been through every possible test for peeing my pants LOL I'm just telling you everything that I have heard over the last 10 years. Good Luck!
Oh yes, I remember those incidents. It happened to me twice. Once at the doctor's office during the last four weeks, and once at the supermarket... toilet paper aisle, how ironic... I sneezed, and I peed my pants. I ran out of there like I had fire on my bum.
Hey kendra.. long time no talk.. but i just wanted you to know that ive done both #1 and #2 with pregnancy 2. No worries. Although im hoping it goes back to normal after this munchkin comes. So happy for you guys!
After having several kids my bladder and pelvic floor is so stretched out I have bladder leakage. It is esp. bad when I strain such as yell, cough,sneeze, laugh, or barf, but I still "dribble" and leak on a daily basis and so now I have to wear "Poise" panty liners. I'm so embarrassed.
Well, I've never peed in public, but my husband is allergic to onions (even granulated onions) we ate salsa at a Mexican restaurant the owner assured him the salsa didn't have onions (we later found out it was granulated onions.) Finished the meal we stood up to leave and he shit his pants. Now that was funny...and gross, but funny too. Don't know about the prego thing sorry. I do know that laughing at yourself (if you can) more fun than crying. I don't think you look trip-like, you look cute (pic from 15 weeks) What have you gained? 2 pounds? You're still skinny everywhere but your baby bump. And that baby bump is oh so cute! :)
So I can't say that I remember just totally peeing like you said but every baby after my first i was super cautious about sneezing, coughing, laughing.. all of those things that seem to induce peeing if your bladder is already weakened. I hate to say that even now although I'm not pregnant and not planning on getting pregnant I still cross my legs every time I do any of those things. My bladder just isn't what is was before I had kids.
Also I wanted to say holy crap, I can't believe that lady asked you if you were having triplets. I know you probably don't know me but I saw you at the good grief concert and you look tiny and beautiful.
I was hoping to get a chance to visit with you but I was busy helping at the door when you came in and you left before I got a chance to catch you afterwards. Maybe some other time. I hope you find an answer to the pee problem I know that has to be very irritating and aggravating to not have any control over.
I do kegels every day, even when not pregnant, and even after having twins I don't have the leak problem so do your kegels! They work!
Also I WAS pregnant with twins and I had a friend who kept insisting I was huge and they missed a baby, then other people kept saying I didn't look like I was even having twins. I agree with you, comments about size need to stop!! Just tell a pregnant woman she looks beautiful!
Ok - that made me laugh out loud. You crack me up but I can only imagine Ryan thinking how hilarious it is. If I recall, you and Brooke did something to my sister and well, it wasn't pretty in the hallway of a big ship. I still wish I had a video of that one. I guess we've all been there. I was only 6 years old when Grandma Dorothy was prego with Becky. She had the brilliant idea to go to the Salt Lake County fair and ride the wild mouse. Well.....she peed all over herself and had on a skirt at the time. I was sitting in front of her so she turned her skirt around and said I was the one that peed on her to everyone that was looking at us. We laughed at that many times as grown up's and we teased grandma about her "problem" every chance we got. All I can say is I hope Ryan's bladder never fails him because we will tease him unmercifully for that!! Glad to see you can still laugh at yourself, even in spite of the horror of PIYP's. Love you.
Oh man! Yep, happened to me! ALL the time! If I sneezed, coughed, looked funny at something, giggled or anything in the beginning! Doc said it was because he was sitting right on my bladder. Told me it would get better the further along I got, until the end that is...
I ended up wearing full on pads because of it and not traveling too far from home. I always had a change of pants and underwear with me in the car too.
I wish I had some hints, tips or advice, but I don't...I just know what it feels like.
I feel so bad for you, and can't imagine how that must feel.
I haven't had that happen either time, although I have a very hard time holding it when in the hospital after I deliver but it's ok by the time I go home.
I'm sure you have heard of 'kege excercises' before and I'm not sure if you have ever tried them but maybe you can try it out.
You have nothing to loose.
Good luck!
Ps: you don't look big at all. Cute little pregnant lady :)
I am 20 weeks prego with my second and this has never happened to me. Seriously so crazy....Good luck with he rest of your pregnancy;) I loved your story. Thanks for sharing!!
Can I laugh? Have been pregnant 6 times of course it happed. AND my water broke in a grocery store with one pregnancy. Not funny. I had to go out and drive home. If I ever in the area and see you I promise I will tell you and find you a hiding place.
Please always share stories like that. You made me almost pee my pants and I'm not even preggers at the moment. You are great! Thanks for that story. I have to say I've had two kids and never had that problem BUT my best friend has and like Ryan I got quite the laugh.
Oh man! That is terrible! I am on my 8th pregnancy now, expecting my 4th child. With my last pregnancy I noticed that I cannot hold my pee in either. I did not have the unfortunate situation you did, but I found myself leaking throughout the day and it sucks! My doctor told me that it is normal for a woman after having a baby to start having control issues with her bladder. I was told to practice my kegals. (Hope I spelled that right) But to make sure that you are ok, I would ask your doctor too. Please do not rely on advice alone from me! Good luck Kendra! And for the record you look fabulous @ 15 weeks! I should email you a photo of me before this pregnancy and now. (I am almost 22 weeks.) You would feel so much better about how slim you are! :-) And I hope that Ryan learns real fast to control his laughter--and start sympathizing with you.
Oh No! I am sorry you are having this happen to you. BUT, I will say, if it is what needs to happen to get you and Ryan your precious bundle of joy, pee away! We all understand the weird things one's body can do during a pregnancy. I have no idea why someone (especially a woman) would be so clueless as to ask such a dumb question...I say it all the time...I feel like the smartest person around most of the time, lol...
Praying for you always!
Yes, I did have times that I full on peed. I don't know any reason other than hormones that relax the muscles to make room for baby? It is embarrassing.
My favorite story is when I was pregnant with #3 and I was on the floor sorting laundry and it just started to happen. I started to laugh which made it happen faster and then my husband started laughing which made me laugh harder which made it worse. So there I sat with my little belly, laughing and peeing as the puddle spread out before me and made us laugh even harder. Sometimes there is nothing you can do but just go with the flow (pun intended LOL) If having children teaches us nothing else we learn to not expect any amount of pride anymore at all sometimes :-)
Oh that is so funny! But sad for you at the same time! haha Never had that, but I think it is cause my babies sit so high.
The things people say SERIOUSLY kill me. And especially women. Were they ever pregnant? and if they were did they like people to say that stuff to them? HELLO! NO! haha
And sad that I didn't make it to the benefit thing. I totally thought it was wednesday and then saw your comment on my blog and realized it was Thursday and I was out of town. :(
totally off topic... but I stumbled across this sale today and thought you might like it: half off baby leggings at: http://babyhalfoff.com/ as soon as I saw it, and before I started filling my cart, I thought of you!
Now, I'm going back to read your entry for the day! :)
Your story made me think of this. I hope that you get a good laugh from it. Good luck. I hope if you get one it works! haha
I often read but rarely comment. And you often make me giggle with your witty sense of humor. This made me laugh! Not AT you... Perhaps not WITH you either. ;-) I think I'm laughing with your husband, and I CAN laugh because i experienced some leakage with my pregnancy. Not a full on pee, though. Can't imagine how awful that would feel, though. Pregnancy does some strange things to ya... But it's all worth it. :-)
Oh...I am laughing so hard right now. I remember an incident that you (yes, you Kendra) caused and left me in a hallway beside myself...along with a puddle on the floor. Payback could not be better!!! :-) I love you!!!
I had the leaking problem with sneezing, coughing, laughing suddenly, etc. A LOT with my 2nd, especially toward the end. And then, we were in the mall shopping about 10 days before my due date when all of the sudden my bladder just emptied -- just like you are describing, on its own with no warning. Luckily, I had a pad because of the occasional leakage and that caught most of it, but I was still horrified that it had happened. Three days later I had the same experience while leaving the mall play area -- except this time, I though "I'm not sure that was pee." I called the birth center for advice and they said to come in and let them check -- sure enough, my water had broken slightly, causing a "slow leak." I was quite relived I hadn't wet myself again. I totally feel your pain.
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