How far along? 17 Weeks
Maternity clothes? I dug out a couple things this week and have worn them a couple times.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I have had a really hard time sleeping this week. I cant fall asleep. I am so tired but I cant turn off my brain.
Miss Anything? Fitting into clothes.
Movement: I think whatever I had been feeling was not the baby because I haven't felt anything this week.
Food cravings: I have been feeling so sick again this week so nothing has sounded good.
Gender: WE KNOW! but we are not revealing it until tomorrow. Make sure you get your guess in on the 15 week post for a chance to win the pillowcase dress. and make sure you check back tomorrow evening for our big reveal.
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: I have been extremely nauseous this whole week and I have had horrible headaches that are lasting all day and into the night.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I have been happy planning for this little baby but I have had a hard week missing Makenzie. I haven't been super moody but I have been extremely emotional. I am crying every other minute.
Looking forward to: Our gender reveal party tomorrow!

You look beautiful! I remember when I couldn't fit in my clothes, but maternity clothes were too big too. I used to get so depressed, how silly of me. I'm so excited to hear about the gender tomorrow! :) Big Hugs!
So excited to hear what baby is!!! I swear the last few weeks have gone so fast. I thought when I saw this today it would still be like 12 weeks! Hope it is going fast for you so you can meet the little one soon!
Hei! I´ve been following your blog a while now. I think you are an amazing mother and I wish you all the best :)You look supercute with your babybelly! Keep on blogging! Terveisin Saara from Finland
I've been counting days for this day i cant wait to find out! you look super pretty, im so happy for you! please post tonight,dont make us wait until tomorrow !!! pretty pleaseeeeee... by the way, i miss listening to the "chicken fried" song when i come to your blog ! such a happy and fun song.
Yea, I can't wait! You look sooo happy and excited, good! Sorry things have been rough, you're still in my prayers. Hugs
Look how great you are looking! You are cute prego! Im sticking with my dreams lol boy! I cant wait to find out! Im so happy for you and Ryan!
Ohh I cannot WAIT to find out what you're having!! I am hoping it's a girl :)
Cant wait to hear!!!! YAY!!!!
You are killing me with the anticipation! I cannot wait to read what gender your baby is! Kendra, you look so skinny and you are glowing! I am so happy for you!
Can't wait to hear what you're havinga and can't wait to see the party photos. Fun! I'm hoping a girl!
I'm so excited to find out what you are having, boy or girl, it will obviously be a big blessing and so loved!!
I love your blog so much and am so glad that you share your stories. You are an amazing writer and I can't wait to hear what you are having!
Congratulations on your little man!
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