I love making videos of Makenzie. Makes it seem like there is something new to watch even though its the same videos over and over. I have made so many but they are all far to long to post on here or youtube so they sit on my computer and I watch them again and again. I made one a couple weeks ago that was all videos and no pictures. It made it so it was a bit shorter so I was able to upload it. I hope it works right. I am not very good at all the technical stuff. I love both of the songs I used and they always make me imagine her. I wish I had more videos. I wish I recorded everything. I guess that's what happens when you think you have a lifetime with someone. You always think there is tomorrow.
I fear our video camera will never be turned off when this new little one gets here.
Incase you cant play it. The youtube link is

OH goodness... I shouldn't have watched your video just before my students came through the door...now I am all gooey eyed and crying. Thank you for sharing her...she is beautiful and perfect and priceless. Your blog, pictures and words make me feel like I know your little piece of heaven and you are one lucky mommy to have her...and she is one lucky little girl.
What is the name of the first song you played in the video...I have heard bits and pieces of it, but never the whole thing and never known the name or who it is by.
Thanks for sharing everything...your ups and downs, ins and outs. You are strong and wonderful and beautiful!
My heart just breaks watching this video. I can't imagine what you have gone through losing your little girl. I have two girls; an eight month old baby and a five year old little girl. They are my life. I don't know how I would go on without them. You are a great example. Your blog always reminds me to not take my kids for granted and to cherish every moment with them. Congratulations on your new addition. My husband and I had to do AI to get our little baby and are planning on doing it again in a few months to try to have another child. I know how stressful it can be. You are in my prayers. Thank you for being so open and honest on your blog. You help me in more ways that I can explain.
What a beautiful angel! She is absolutely adorable.
I loved this. Thank you for sharing, and reminding me that we do not always have a lifetime. I pray for your family everyday, and cannot wait to follow your journey with the new bundle of joy.
hugs to you!
That brought tears to my eyes. I loved the last video where you help your baby to fall asleep, where she fights sleep just to look at her momma. She loved you sooo much!
I loved watching this video. She is the most beautiful thing and I could watch this over and over again. I'm so excited for you two to have another baby and can't wait to keep following your blog.
So beautiful. So incredibly perfect. She had only love in her life every single day. Not too many of us can say that, can we? Ok, now I have to blow my nose and dry my entire face. I'm a mess now but the video made me smile and cry at the same time. I love her. I miss her, too. I love you and Ryan. Auntie M
Wow... That was so neat to watch! Thank you for sharing and letting us see her life. You are an amazing person!
Wow!! That was the most amazing video. You captured the most precious moments with your little Angel. She is the most precious little girl I have ever seen!!!!!!! She is so angelic, content and beautiful.... Just like her mama. Thanks for sharing those real life moements with us!
I am speechless. And a mess of tears. Beautiful!!!!
Beautiful Mackenzie. Beautiful Mama Kendra. Handsome dad Ryan.
Mackenzie's sparkly eyes!
Darling smile.
Huge personality.
And both your tender, loving for her.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
What a precious video! Who sings that first song? McKenzie is so precious and you can just feel the love from you and Ryan in these videos. Lots of love !
Beautiful video Kendra, thanks for sharing it with us. I can see how much love you have for her, and also how much she loves you too. Makenzie knows how much she is loved, you made sure she knows. Praying for you always!
That was beautiful!! Thank you for sharing. You guys are amazing parents and I'm so happy you are being blessed with another little one. I know Makenzie is always watching over all of you.
She is beautiful like you! Hey I'm the one that said Hello to you at the concert..Tessie! Just wanted to let you know how much I have loved reading your blog so real and raw! Sometimes it is nice to know that I am not the only one out there who has felt some of those same feelings you have!
Oh, Kendra, she is so beautiful. I'm sitting here crying, this video totally got to me. Thank you so much for sharing with us.
What a beautiful video of your amazing angel. I love that you are able to share her life with us. The end when you were helping her fall asleep tore my heart out. I watched this video on Saturday morning while my 17 month old son slept peacefully in his crib. Your story reminds me to be patient, to love more, to love harder, to always tell my loved ones how much they mean to me, to never take life for granted because you never know how quickly God can bring them back home. God bless you. I wonder if you realize how many people you have effected. You have affected me. Thank you.
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