I should be in bed.
Its been a long day.
...but I decided I better do a little update on the ol' blogger so all those that have emailed and left comments will know what the hell is going on :)
I am still getting the other blog up and running. I don't want it to be a piece of dirt so I am trying to make it a little cute. Plus I am very far behind in whats been going on lately so I am just trying to sort things out into posts. If you have not received and invite that doesn't mean you wont get one. I haven't sent any out. I am hoping I can have more followers than what I think so I can keep you all.
I'm sorry if I cant.
I have decided- after chatting with Ryan- that I will do a few updates here every so often so you wont be totally out of the loop. I guess I was just sharing a bit tooo much info before. and lets face it I have to put all the Tracker goodness somewhere and this is my place. This is where I document it all. It will be printed out and saved and treasured for generations to come. One day this here blog will be as valuable as say.... the hope diamond that rose threw into the ocean off the Titanic. Serious. You know its true.
okay...okay... That's a joke. but just wanting to let you know we are still here just living an extremely chaotic and busy life right now.
You know how I said this would be a year of adventure.
Little did I know how adventurous it would be.
I'm so sleepy.
The babe has been Sick and Sprouting some Teeth... Its been rough around here.
Poor Love.
I am going to try to catch some Zzzz before he wakes up screaming which could be any second.

Oh yes, please, do give us some news from time to time.
I will be sad not to be able to keep up with your cute family! I have followed since a few weeks after Mackenzie went to be an angel! I wish you all the best :)
I was signed in under my letter making account with the first comment :) I will be sad to not be able to keep up with your little family! I have followed since a few weeks after Makenzie became an angel. I wish you all the best :)
Love from AZ,
Really do love reading your blog! You are so strong! And your babies are so beautiful. Hope to keep reading.
Really enjoying reading your blog. You are so strong. And your babies are so beautiful. Hope to keep reading.
I love following your blog! Another blog I follow just posted that she may not be posting much information as well. Someone did horrible things with her babies pictures. She also lost a precious baby. What is wrong with people! I am so sorry! I only read a handful of blogs and you are one of them. I really enjoy reading your blog and following your beautiful family. Take care!
I am so glad that you still going to keep doing some updates. I have a 4 month old baby boy and I love seeing what products you and your child like. I have actually gone out and bought a few things that you said were your babys favorite items of the month!
I already miss your blog! I understand though as I, myself just made my blog private. If you have any room please include me - lisadinslc@gmail.com.
Thanks for sharing your world with us up til now. What you have gone through at your young age and how you've come through with the love of your husband and family has been very inspiring. I was happy to see you were rewarded with such a beautiful baby boy this past year and will check back every so often to see if there's anything new. Blogs can be funny and you never know who is looking, so I don't blame you for pulling back a bit. It can be a scary world out there and you should only share what you're totally comfortable with. Wishing you and your's the very best in the days ahead ~
Catching up on the blogs I follow, it's sad how many people are becoming so deceiving lately. It's sad to see you go, but you need to do what's best for your family :) Please keep us updated, I love reading stuff you post!
I would love to follow your new blog Kendra. I love reading your updates. My email is saradunaway@yahoo.com. or mehimandthem3@gmail.com.. I hope that's all you need. Thank you so much!
Not sure if you got my last message. lets hope so. But I already miss reading your blog. if you can, please add me too! my enail is mehimandthem@gmail.com or saradunaway@yahoo.com. i hope that is all you need, i would love to continue to enjoy your blog!
Hi Kendra, I am an avid follower curious to know what you use to make your monthly favorite photo collages... can you help a girl out and tell me your secret.
I love reading your blog and watching Tracker grow. -He is adorable... I'm not even sure adorable describes how darling he is! If you have any room left in your new blog I'd love to be "let in". :)
I would love to continue to follow if you have enough spots. I have been following for about a year and ordered a cookbook (which I have been loving!. Good luck with designing your new blog and I hope to be able to join in with the updates! angiehillman@gmail.com.
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