Friday, March 8, 2013

New Blog

I love my blog. I love what it started out being and what over the years it has turned into. It's been a place to share our journey. A place to vent. A place to connect. A place to remember. It was my greatest therapy in the darkest times in my life. Because of my amazing followers and new friends I was able to get the most amazing support. I was able to see how every feeling I was feeling was totally normal. I was able to share my daughter. Thank you for letting me share my baby. Thank you for getting to know her. Thank you for loving her. Thank you for saying her name. Thank you for praying for her. Thank you for praying for us. Thank you for supporting our fundraiser. Thank you for donating leggings. Thank you for buying cookbooks. Thank you for all the positive vibes you sent hoping we would get a baby. Thank you for 2,279,635 page views. Thank you for all 6731 comments that have been left since my first post way back in 2008. Thank you for every email. I honestly think I have received more emails than comments. At least that’s how it feels (in a good way) and I’m sorry if I never got back to you. I really tried. I have made the best relationships through this place.

Over the years this has been my safe place. I have tried to protect that and I have tried to do everything in my power to keep those mean spirited people at bay and not let them have a voice. It makes me so sad that there are people who have cruel intentions and really just out there to hurt another. Who does that? Who has time for that? I don’t understand why people feel they have the right to hurt another. 
Please be nicer to each other. Please smile at a stranger. Please hold a door open. Go out of your way to make someone’s day a little better. Just be a good person. You have no idea what that other persons shoes look like so stop judging before you walk in them yourself.
In the last few months I have grown more and more hesitant on how much I share on here. I hate that. This is where I share my life. Every part of it. and until recently I have continued to do that but unfortunately Ryan and I have both decided we won’t be able to continue like this.
Especially regarding Tracker.
We have decided its not worth to keep up this blog for my benefit if that means it puts our family's safety at risk. I wish everyone had good intentions and no one was out there to ruin a good thing for the rest of us.
I will be starting a new blog that will be private. 
This blog will remain open and ill post occasionally especially about our leggings project, live laugh breathe fundraisers and occasionally I will share a bit of Tracker and what's new with us but I'll be moving the majority of our details to our new spot. If you would like to read the new blog leave a comment with your email. I'll try to add you but I think there is a restriction on how many followers you can have so you will just have to follow me on Instagram, email and watch for updates here.
Instagram name: kendrawebster
Its private as well but I will add you unless you are one of the creep-o's that’s on my shit list.
Really Really Thank You ALL for the love and support over the years! I wish I could really put into words what a difference you have made in my life. It might sound silly to some but it really breaks my heart to end this part of my life. I know ill keep up the private blog mainly because this is my journal and how I record everything I want to remember but there is something about the connections and friends you make through blogging that will soon be over and that makes me sad.

I hope you will continue to remember Makenzie. I hope you use her life as a reminder of how precious life is. I hope you continue to hold your babies closer and savor those little moments. Remember how quick life can change and that none of us knows what tomorrow will bring.

You will hear more from us soon!
In the meantime remember we are 3 months into Kenzie's Baby Leggings project 2013. I have had some amazing donations already but we always need more. If you have leggings to donate please let me know and ill give you the address to send them to. There is no goal this year so any amount is an accomplishment :) but I would love to take up around the same amount as we did this last year
(hint hint) haha...


sierra816 said...

Oh Kendra i am so sorry and upset that you have to go through this! I have been reading your blog for about two years now and you feel like family as silly as it sounds. I can understand though about protecting your family and i truly do get it and you MUST do what is best for you all. IF you would add me i would be so grateful but if not i undersand too. BEST WISHES ALWAYS.

Unknown said...

I would love to be added to be able to read your new blog. I have never commented before but so enjoy reading your updates. I think Tracker is the cutest thing! I can't think of anything that I would criticize you for and I'm sorry that others have. People are choosing to read your blog and if they don't like something they don't have to keep reading it and shouldn't say anything at all. My email is Thank you for adding me!

Alerie said...

If you still have room on your new blog, I would love to be invited. I love keeping up to date on your beautiful family. I'm just reading this now, because I have been gone from my computer for a while. I'm sorry this is something that you have to do because of silly people. But know that we all support you and understand that you have to do what is best for your family. Also I have some leggings that I have picked up. I think I lost your address from the last time I sent some, so if you could also email me your address I would love that. Big hugs!!

My main email is
but I don't know if you can send a blog invite to a non gmail address so here is my other one

Courtney said...

I definately want an invite to your new blog if there is room! Love following you!!

About Us... said...

If you are able to add me, I would love to follow your new blog! I have never left a comment on here before, but was soo very saddened to hear I wouldn't be able to check in with your amazing family! You have blessed us in ways you don't realize. Thank you for sharing your story :)

Kristy said...

Kendra I've been following you for years and you have truly helped me to be a better mom. Because of you and the things you've shared I try to enjoy every moment I've have with my kids. Thank you so much for being so open and honest. You crack me up!!! I would love to be invited to your new blog. I totally understand how scary it can be to post things about those closest to you and to wonder what weirdo is out there reading it. My husband was on my case to go private but I don't really blog anymore so I never got around to doing it. I know you've helped more people by sharing your story of loss then you will ever know.

Annie said...

I have followed your story for 2+ years and hope to continue..if you have room will you add me

Malory said...


Anonymous said...

While I never was one to comment, I followed your blog religiously lol. You mentioned you had limited space so I didn't ask to be added but Im constantly checking here to see if you have added a little update :)
If you have room I would love to be added so I can continue to read your inspirational blogs and see how much Mr Tracker is growing each week! If not then thats okay, I understand you must be pretty full already but please do post here every now and again :)

Anonymous said...

While I never was one to comment, I followed your blog religiously lol. You mentioned you had limited space so I didn't ask to be added but Im constantly checking here to see if you have added a little update :)
If you have room I would love to be added so I can continue to read your inspirational blogs and see how much Mr Tracker is growing each week! If not then thats okay, I understand you must be pretty full already but please do post here every now and again :)

Manda said...

I've loved you and your little family ever since my friend showed it to me 2 years ago. I was so excited when you found out you were having tracker. I would love to read your new blog. (:

happiegirl99 said...

Hey Kendra! I would love to follow you on your new blog! My email is


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